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Annotated Bibliography

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Presentation on theme: "Annotated Bibliography"— Presentation transcript:

1 Annotated Bibliography

2 Details Organize the sources in alphabetical order.
For each Annotated Bibliography entry, first cite the source the way you would cite it in the Works Cited page. Then write a paragraph that briefly answers the questions on the following slide. Each annotation should be at least 100 words.

3 For each source… Answer the following questions:
1) summarize the source (the summary should be the shortest part of the paragraph, no more than 2 sentences) 2) evaluate it (The following questions will focus your evaluation, but you are not limited to only these questions.) How is this a credible source? Why is this the best source for your paper? 3) explain how you plan to use the source in your project Why did you choose this source for this assignment?

4 Sample Annotated Bibliography Cooper, Mary Ann. Lightning Injury Research Program. University of Illinois at Chicago, This is an educational site with research information, tables, and charts. The links on the left side lead you to related links and to research articles. Some of the research articles have been previously published in medical journals. Some of the articles contain bibliographies. The dates of the material on the site range from 1995 through The author is an MD employed by the University of Illinois at Chicago. I found no grammatical or spelling errors. The source seems credible, reliable, and objective. The layout of the site is uncluttered. There were no pop up ads or advertisements. There is a Contact Us option with an address, , and phone number.

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