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Series vs Parallel Circuits

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1 Series vs Parallel Circuits

2 Series Circuits The flow of electrons follows only one path
This is achieved by connecting the loads in a chain Example: plugging a toaster and kettle into the same outlet. If one stops working so will the other

3 What happens to Voltage and Current in Series?
Challenge 2 The more batteries you add the brighter the bulb If you add too many batteries the bulb burns out because it can’t handle the voltage. Challenge 5. As you add more light bulbs the voltage needs to be shared across all loads so the lights get dimmer. Challenge 3. All components share the same current. Challenge 4. As you increase the number of batteries current increases. Challenge 6. The more lamps (resistance) the harder it is for current to flow ****** Ammeters are always placed in series and Voltmeters are always placed in Parallel ******

4 Parallel Circuits The flow of electrons follows multiple paths so electrons can flow more than one way Example: The electrical panel in your home is connected in parallel. If your stove blows a fuse the fridge still works.

5 What happens to Voltage and Current in Parallel?
Challenge 8. When we connect one lamp to the battery it takes a current of 0.4A from the battery. When we connect the second lamp in parallel, it comes with the same brightness because the electrons have their own path so they don’t encounter resistance. At the battery the current adds up so the current being taken from the battery is 0.8A(twice as much as before All components share the same current Let’s try some examples together Read the Summary on Page 575 Chapter Review pg #1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 16, 23, 24, 25 Self Quiz Pg #1-10, 15,16 Unit Test Pg #4, 5, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 19-38, 54, 62, 67, 68

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