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What events/ideas led to NATO?

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1 What events/ideas led to NATO?


3 Iron Curtain-Bullet list of events
Churchill described the divide in Europe *Eastern Europe controlled by Communist Soviet Union Western Europe remained independent and allied with the U.S.

4 How does the Iron Curtain relate to Containment?
The dividing line between Eastern and Western Europe became known as the Iron Curtain Churchill called on Americans to help keep Stalin from closing the Iron Curtain of Communist expansion on other weaker countries

5 Truman Doctrine-Bullet list of events
Since 1945 Soviet Union made threats against Turkey and wanted to control the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea Civil War broke out in Greece and Communists fought to overthrow gov’t Feb. 1947: Britain no longer could afford to provide aid to Greece and Turkey and asked for U.S. to take over aiding these two countries

6 How does the Truman Doctrine relate to Containment?
March 1947: President Truman and U.S. took control of aiding Greece and Turkey to prevent them from being taken over Congress approved $400 million in aid for Greece and Turkey and established military based in both countries Shaped foreign policy for the next 4 decades

7 Marshall Plan-Bullet list of events
Plan that would extend aid to any European country that wanted to accept it and offered aid in the form of money, food, machinery, medicine, farm animals, and other material Countries who accepted aid had to participate and join together and decide what they needed

8 How does the Marshall Plane relate to Containment?
17 European countries took aid in Plan and formed close ties U.S. controlled to provide assistance to European Allies through 1952 when Western countries recovered Spread of Communism seemed to have stopped and was contained behind the Iron Curtain

9 Berlin Airlift-Bullet list of events
Berlin divided into 4 quarters: United States, Great Britain and France formed West Germany Soviet Union formed East Germany Soviet Union wanted to take control of Berlin and blocked western part of city and cut off cars, trucks, railroad traffic, all supplies to West Berlin If this blockade continued people in West Berlin would Starve


11 How does the Berlin Airlift relate to Containment?
United States, Great Britain and France began flying in supplies to West Berlin: food, medicine, coal, raw materials, machine parts to keep factories operating About 1 year, 24 hours a day planes went delivering 500 tons of supplies by it’s end 13,000 tons a day Held Communism from invading into West Berlin by feeding and supporting the people

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