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Election Of 1800/The Jefferson Administration ( )

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1 Election Of 1800/The Jefferson Administration (1801-1809)

2 The Election of 1800 Why was the Election of 1800 called “the Revolution of 1800”?

3 The Election of 1800 T. Jefferson A.Burr J.Adams C.Pinckney
Democratic-Republican strength from small farmers, urban areas, artisans and laborers. Federalist strength manufacturers, merchants, and commercial farmers T. Jefferson A.Burr J.Adams C.Pinckney Democratic -Republicans Federalists

4 The Election of 1800 What happens now?
Republicans intended for one elector to not vote for Burr. This would give Jefferson the election. Something went wrong. Tie between Jefferson and Burr. What happens now?

5 The Election of 1800 Who won the Election of 1800? 12th Amendment
Problems in the election would lead to separate ballots for President and Vice-President

6 “We are all Republicans. We Are All Federalists!”
What is the “Jeffersonian Vision”? Belief in the “common man” Faith in the “republican” system Protection of freedoms, equal opportunity for all Frugal gov’t spending Popular education States rights/laissez-faire economy All of this based on agrarian rule

7 Jefferson Takes Action
Jefferson Ends Jefferson keeps Less government spending End Alien and Sedition Acts Naturalization 14-5 yrs. Lower the federal budget 1801 ($83m.) ($57m.) End standing army, rely on militias Abolish direct tax of 1801 and allows whiskey tax to end in 1802 Replace corrupt officeholders Reduce the number of judges under Judiciary Act 1801 Keeps the First National Bank Keeps paying state debt Does keep a small army of 3,350 officers and men Establishes West Point

8 The Judiciary Act of 1801 Expansion of the number of federal judges. Passed by Congress. Positions filled by “midnight appointments” of Adams. Why was this important to the Federalists?

9 The Judiciary Act of 1801 Jefferson attacks Judiciary Act of 1801 by getting Congress to repeal the act. Most important event dealing with the Judiciary Act of 1801 was the appointment of William Marbury leading to the Supreme Court case of Marbury v. Madison.

10 Marbury v. Madison CASE William Marbury, a “midnight appointment” was promised a justice of the peace appointment under the Judiciary Act of 1801. Jefferson, after getting the Judiciary Act of 1801 repealed, refused to give the appointment to Marbury. Marbury appeals to the U.S. Supreme Court to force James Madison, responsible for handing out new commissions, to issue a writ of mandamus (court order) . This writ was authorized under the Judiciary Act of 1789.

11 Decision Marbury should be entitled to the commission but he should not have appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. The Supreme Court does not have the power to force Madison to hand over the commission. That section of the Judiciary Act of 1789, which Marbury believed gave the power of the Supreme Court to issue the writ to Madison to force him to hand over the commission was unconstitutional. Marbury should have went to a lower court to acquire the writ and the commission.

12 IMPACT The case establishes judicial review? Marbury Madison

13 The “Head and Heart” of Thomas Jefferson
As President Jefferson often contradicted his political philosophy! Kept the 1st Bank of the U.S. Used a loose interpretation of U.S. Constitution to purchase the Louisiana Purchase Used federal money to pay back New England investors cheated by the Yazoo Land Company and a corrupt Georgia legislature. Sent in Stephen Decatur to end the Barbary Pirates in the Mediterranean- in so doing he increased the U.S. Navy. WHY?

14 The Louisiana Purchase (1803)
Effects of the Louisiana Purchase? Why Jefferson Wants to Buy? Why Napoleon Wants to Sell?

15 The Louisiana Purchase (1803)
Why did Jefferson buy the Louisiana Territory? Spain transfer territory to France in a secret treaty. Pinckney Treaty no longer applicable. Jefferson doesn’t like a strong nation like France on U.S. border. Began to consider an alliance with England? Need port of New Orleans for western farmers. Able to buy the entire territory for $15 million!

16 The Louisiana Purchase (1803)
Why did Napoleon want to sell? Needed money for war against Britain. Napoleon dream of an American empire ends after Toussaint-Louverture leads revolt on the French colony of Haiti. Hoped purchase would befriend U.S. and prevent U.S. British alliance.

17 The Louisiana Purchase (1803)
Effects of the Louisiana Purchase Double the size of U.S. for $15 million. Increased store of natural resources Made agrarian dream possible- land for future generations of Americans. Gave U.S. complete control of the Miss. R- ended rivalry with Br/Fr/Sp. Strengthened national unity by making westerners grateful for additional territory Promoted westward expansion

18 The Louisiana Purchase (1803)
Forced a dilemma in Jefferson philosophy- used loose interpretation of Constitution. Reduced powers of Federalists who once adopted a loose interpretation- Federalists switch ideas here, claimed gov’t had no power to make purchase Expanded power of the federal government. Future struggle between North/South over slavery. Essex Junto- New England saw the new territory as a threat to their prominence in the nation. Tried to organize a secessionist movement. Need Aaron Burr support. Offer Burr the governorship of NY for his support. Hamilton exposes Burr and ruins his chances in the election. Leads to duel between Burr and Hamilton. Hamilton killed.

19 The Louisiana Purchase (1803)

20 The Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804-1806)
Meriwether Lewis/William Clark and a group of 50 men. Sacajawea as a guide.

21 Zebulon Pike Expedition (1806-07)

22 And the greatest dog in the world!

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