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List all the conventions (ingredients) of a play script.

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Presentation on theme: "List all the conventions (ingredients) of a play script."— Presentation transcript:

1 List all the conventions (ingredients) of a play script.
AIM: to explore how the theatrical form contributes to Priestley’s presentation of ideas and themes List all the conventions (ingredients) of a play script. How are plays more effective than novels in exploring themes and characters?

2 We know that Priestley’s moral purpose behind the play An Inspector Calls is to communicate political propaganda. He wants to illustrate how we should adopt a more socialist outlook instead of our current, selfish, capitalist ideology. Before the play even begins, through both the characters’ names and the stage directions illustrating the set, Priestley’s propagandistic aims are clear. Read the cast list, and the stage directions on pages 1 and 2

3 How is this name aptronymic?
ARTHUR BIRLING SYBIL BIRLING his wife SHEILA BIRLING his daughter ERIC BIRLING his son EDNA the maid GERALD CROFT INSPECTOR GOOLE All three acts, which are continuous, take place in the dining-room of the Birlings’ house in Brumley, an industrial city in the North Midlands. It is an evening in spring, 1912. Who is this person? What is he doing there? What does this suggest? How is this a strange sounding name? Is this usual or expected for a play?

4 From here, focus on one example of stage directions, then allocate an example for each person to stick up on the blog

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