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Macron wins in France.

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1 Macron wins in France

2 Emmanuel Macron is now the new president in France
Emmanuel Macron is now the new president in France. The 39-year-old's win over far-right candidate Marine Le Pen Sunday in the second round of the French election shows how people around the globe are searching for leaders outside of the normally accepted political world. This election saw the older, establishment politicians defeated as they failed to identify and adapt to waves of change. No doubt that the French voters showed their displeasure for politics as usual. Macron took almost 66% of the vote against Le Pen. He won because his campaign emphasized a break from older, more conventional political forces. The graduate of exclusive French schools who became a banker and finance minister formed his own party to escape the old political elite. He will be the youngest French president ever and the youngest French leader since Napoleon.

3 In Other News United States Olympic bobsledder Steven Holcomb has died at the age of 37. Holcomb was found dead in Lake Placid, New York, at the United States Olympic Training Center on Saturday. Further details about Holcomb's death have not been made available. Holcomb won a gold medal as part of the four-man U.S. Olympic bobsled team at the 2010 Vancouver Games. He also won two bronze medals in 2014 as part of the two- and four-man teams. North Korea has detained another US citizen on suspicion of "hostile acts" against the regime. The regime described Kim Hak-song as "a man who was doing business in relation to the operation of Pyongyang University of Science and Technology." The American was detained Saturday, but more details regarding his alleged crime were not released. He is the second US professor working at Pyongyang University of Science and Technology to be detained in recent months, taking the total number of US citizens detained by the state to four.

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