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Defining An Effectiveness Standard

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1 Defining An Effectiveness Standard
Debbie Troklus Lori S. Richardson Pelliccioni 2/18/2019 LSRPelliccioni (copyright 2000)

2 LSRPelliccioni (copyright 2000)
There Is No Question... Health Care Compliance Is Here To Stay! 2/18/2019 LSRPelliccioni (copyright 2000)

3 LSRPelliccioni (copyright 2000)
The Only Question Is... What Form Will It Take? 2/18/2019 LSRPelliccioni (copyright 2000)

4 Current Health Care Environment
2/18/2019 LSRPelliccioni (copyright 2000)

5 The Current Health Care Compliance Environment
Approximately 80% of all health care providers have some form of a compliance program in place No 2 compliance programs are alike There is no “in-practice standard” for what a compliance program should entail 2/18/2019 LSRPelliccioni (copyright 2000)

6 Reasons for implementing health care compliance programs:
Fear of investigation or prosecution Mitigate risk of qui tam actions Mitigate risks of shareholder type lawsuits Business reasons - potential for significant financial liability Reputation in the community “Do the right thing” 2/18/2019 LSRPelliccioni (copyright 2000)

7 Goal for corporate compliance programs
to “[cause] organizations to exercise due diligence in seeking to prevent detect criminal conduct by its employees and other agents.” (56 Fed. Reg ) 2/18/2019 LSRPelliccioni (copyright 2000)

8 Goal for corporate compliance programs (cont.)
“Due diligence” definition: An organization has exercized “due diligence if it has has instituted a corporate compliance program that, at a minimum, includes the following seven (7) components: compliance standards and procedures oversight responsibilities delegation of authority training and education monitoring and auditing enforcement and discipline response and prevention. 2/18/2019 LSRPelliccioni (copyright 2000)

9 LSRPelliccioni (copyright 2000)
Industry Response Flurry of compliance program development and implementation: Goal: to MITIGATE intent and corporate integrity agreement provisions Cost: SIGNIFICANT 2/18/2019 LSRPelliccioni (copyright 2000)

10 TODAY’S Compliance Programs
2/18/2019 LSRPelliccioni (copyright 2000)

11 Compliance Program Model - TODAY
7 Elements:  compliance standards and procedures  oversight responsibilities  delegation of authority  training and education  monitoring and auditing  enforcement and discipline  response and prevention 2/18/2019 LSRPelliccioni (copyright 2000)

12 Basis for TODAY’s Compliance Model
Federal Sentencing Guidelines U.S.Department of Health and Human Services’ Model Compliance Programs Experience and Opinion Anecdotal Evidence 2/18/2019 LSRPelliccioni (copyright 2000)

13 Issues re: TODAY’s Compliance Programs
Ambiguity re: defining the 7 elements No measurements to assess performance on the 7 elements No standard against which to measure performance Prosecution continues/increases despite compliance programs 2/18/2019 LSRPelliccioni (copyright 2000)

14 The Government “Raises the Bar”
Lewis Morris, the United States Department of Health and Human Services’ Assistant Inspector General for Legal Affairs opined that protecting the integrity of federally funded health care programs in the next century would require a “joint government-industry effort” defined “joint government-industry effort” as requiring health care organizations to implement “effective” compliance programs in their practices in order to self-police against health care fraud. 2/18/2019 LSRPelliccioni (copyright 2000)

15 The Government “Raises the Bar” (cont.)
June Gibbs Brown, the United States Department of Health and Human Services’ Inspector General stated: “The existence of an effective compliance plan provides evidence that any mistakes were inadvertent, and this evidence would be considered in determining whether a medical practice or health care entity has made reasonable efforts to avoid and detect misbehavior” 2/18/2019 LSRPelliccioni (copyright 2000)

16 Issues re: Effectiveness
No evidence regarding what works and what does not work No empirical studies No “controlled trials” 2/18/2019 LSRPelliccioni (copyright 2000)

17 Issues re: Effectiveness (cont.)
General Accounting Office’s report “Early Evidence of Compliance Program Effectiveness is Inconclusive” (April 1999): Purpose of the study was to determine the extent to which effectiveness can be measured and " how effective these programs are", 2/18/2019 LSRPelliccioni (copyright 2000)

18 Issues re: Effectiveness (cont.)
Conclusion: no satisfactory conclusions could be reached “The principal measure of a compliance program's effectiveness is its ability to prevent improper Medicare payments. However, it is difficult to measure effectiveness in this way because of the lack of comprehensive baseline data and the existence of many other factors that could affect measurement results… However, [the preliminary evidence gathered in the study] does not demonstrate that compliance programs have reduced improper Medicare payments.” 14 2/18/2019 LSRPelliccioni (copyright 2000)

19 Health Care Compliance TOMORROW
2/18/2019 LSRPelliccioni (copyright 2000)

20 Compliance Program Model - TOMORROW
 Compliance standards and procedures  Oversight responsibilities  Delegation of authority  Training and Education  Monitoring and Auditing  Enforcement and Discipline  Response and Prevention Effectiveness Definitions Measurements Definitions Measurements Industry Standard 2/18/2019 LSRPelliccioni (copyright 2000)

21 What Is “Effectiveness” ?
Federal Sentencing Guidelines & June Gibbs Brown: prevent and detect criminal conduct prevent and detect violations of Medicare laws and regulations increasing employee awareness creating a centralized source for distributing information on compliance developing procedures that allow prompt, thorough investigation of misconduct developing methodology that encourages employees to report problems identifying and preventing criminal and unethical conduct concretely demonstrating to employees and the community strong commitment to honest and responsible conduct improving the quality of patient care mitigating against wrongful intent mitigating penalties and reducing requirements contained in a Corporate Integrity Agreement 2/18/2019 LSRPelliccioni (copyright 2000)

22 Compliance Literature
18,381 articles : 2,693 - Dow Jones Interactive 1,699 - Lexis/Nexis 13,989 - Current Contents Catalog Search terms: compliance program(s), corporate compliance, compliance effectiveness, corporate integrity agreement(s), and Federal Sentencing Guidelines Articles addressed compliance programs and compliance effectiveness in health care, environmental, banking, defense and insurance industries 2/18/2019 LSRPelliccioni (copyright 2000)

23 Compliance Literature (cont.)

24 The Compliance Effectiveness Project
Empirically-based research study In collaboration with Faculty from UCLA School of Public Health, Department of Health Services Funded by PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP Expected to be completed July/August 2000 2/18/2019 LSRPelliccioni (copyright 2000)

25 Forms of TOMORROW’s Compliance Programs
Objective Standard Based on Empirical Evidence Regulatory Ethics Program Proactive Process Oriented 2/18/2019 LSRPelliccioni (copyright 2000)

26 LSRPelliccioni (copyright 2000)
Conclusion 2/18/2019 LSRPelliccioni (copyright 2000)

27 Conclusion - Yesterday’s
The Government Will Go Away When It is Convinced That The Industry Is Successfully Policing Itself! 2/18/2019 LSRPelliccioni (copyright 2000)

28 LSRPelliccioni (copyright 2000)
Conclusion - TODAY The Health Care Industry Must Take It Upon Itself To Develop a Compliance Program Standard That The Government Accepts and Affirmatively Adopts! 2/18/2019 LSRPelliccioni (copyright 2000)

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