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Presentation on theme: "Macbeth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Macbeth

2 Learning goals: Try strategies for reading Shakespearean language
Get familiar with the characters and themes in Macbeth

3 Common Shakespearean Terms
Fie – indicates disdain or disgust “You cheated? Fie upon it!” Hark – Listen “Hark the herald angels sing” Hence – Away “Get thee hence” Hie – Hurry “Hie thee hence” Hither – Here “Hie thee hither” Thither – There “Thither doth the sun rise.” Hath – Has “He hath a horse.”

4 How to read difficult texts
Use the words you do know Picture the action Make guesses and predictions Use what you know about language Use what you know about people and the world Use context Think of similar words or words in other languages as clues Keep your mind open to possibilities

5 Thane of Glamis, General
Macbeth Thane of Glamis, General

6 Lady Macbeth Wife of Macbeth

7 Duncan King of Scotland

8 Malcolm Prince of Scotland

9 Donalbain Prince of Scotland

10 Friend of Macbeth, General of the King’s army
Banquo Friend of Macbeth, General of the King’s army

11 Macduff Thane of Fife

12 Lady Macduff Wife of Macduff

13 Ross Thane

14 Lennox Thane

15 General of the English Army
Siward General of the English Army

16 Young Siward Son of Siward

17 Doctor

18 Gentlewoman Attending Lady Macbeth

19 Porter Door man

20 Seyton Servant to Macbeth

21 Pagan goddess of farming, but also of witchcraft, ghosts and tombs
Hecate Pagan goddess of farming, but also of witchcraft, ghosts and tombs

22 Three Witches

23 Macdonwald Traitor to Scotland

24 Bloody Soldier

25 Macbeth thought-starters
Write answers to the following questions: What is a traitor? When is it justifiable to turn against the leaders of your country? If you had a chance to steal $100 million, and were 99% sure you’d get away with it, would you try? How can you tell when someone is being dishonest with you? How can a person lie effectively?

26 Tell your elbow partner a story using the following words:


28 Macbeth Reading Questions
Read these questions before reading each scene. Answer them as you read. These are not meant as extra work for you to do. The questions will help you.

29 Macbeth Reading Questions
They tell you what happens in the scene, and give you an idea about what might be important. Questions will be collected at the end of the unit and marked for completion.

30 Let’s listen: Act I, scene I

31 Let’s perform: Act I, scene I

32 Let’s read Act I

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