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HE 295 Health & Fitness for Life

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Presentation on theme: "HE 295 Health & Fitness for Life"— Presentation transcript:

1 HE 295 Health & Fitness for Life
“The greatest wealth is health.”  ~Virgil

2 CONTACT INFO… Shannon Carr, MPH Available to meet by appointment Web:

3 KEYS TO SUCCESS Read the assigned chapters.
Come to class on time and be prepared for discussion of chapters assigned that day. Find a friend to fill you in when you miss class. Ask questions…

4 METHODS OF EVALUATION 2 Exams Attendance/Participation
Wellness Assessment Nutrition Project Wellness & Health Improvement (WHIP)

5 EXAMS There will be 2 exams given during the term.
100 points for each exam. True/False, multiple choice, matching, short answer questions, fill in the blank. Questions will be based on textbook, lecture and films shown in class. One page of notes will be allowed for each exam.

Be committed to being in class. You will lose 5 points each time you miss a class. Your first absence will be excused so use it wisely! Participate in class, don’t be shy but please be respectful. Please do not sleep or visit during class and silence your cell, no texting. Laptops should only be used for taking notes.

7 ASSIGNMENTS Assignments are meant to be beneficial to you and should assist in evaluating your current health status. Please take the time to complete them! Late assignments will not be accepted unless granted an extension. Be prepared to submit them before the due date or via if you are not able to attend class the day they are due. Overview of Assignments Wellness Assessment Nutrition Project Wellness & Health Improvement (WHIP)

8 INTRODUCTIONS Who are you? What are some health related
goals that you have? Something you hope to learn?

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