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What French expressions do you know?

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Presentation on theme: "What French expressions do you know?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What French expressions do you know?

2 Oui Yes

3 Merci Thank you

4 Rendez-vous Date/meeting/rendez vous

5 Entrée Main course

6 café cafe

7 adieu  farewell

8 à la carte  On the menu

9 à la mode  In fashion or style

10 bon appétit  Good appetite

11 brunette  Dark haired girl

12 c'est la vie That’s life

13 chaise longue    "long chair"    In English, this is often mistakenly written as "chaise lounge" - which actually makes perfect sense.

14 chef d'œuvre Masterpiece

15 coup d'état    Overthrow of the government

16 critique judgement

17 cuisine kitchen, food style

18 déjà vu    phenomenon of feeling like you have already seen or done something when you're sure that you haven't: a feeling of déjà vu

19 encore   again

20 fiancé, fiancée     engaged

21 faux pas    "false step, trip"    Something that should not be done, a foolish mistake. 

22 gauche    "left, awkward"    Tactless, lacking social grace

23 joie de vivre    "joy of living"    The quality in people who live life to the fullest

24 maître d'  Master of

25 matinée  "morning"    In English, indicates the day's first showing of a movie or play.

26 nom de plume    "pen name"    This French phrase was coined by English speakers in imitation of nom de guerre.

27 papier mâché    "mashed paper"    Used for art

28 petite    "small, short"    It may sound chic, but petit is simply the feminine French adjective "short."

29 Rendez-vous   "go to"    In French, this refers to a date or an appointment (literally, it is the verb se rendre [to go] in the imperative); in English we can use it as a noun or a verb (let's rendez-vous at 8pm).

30 rouge   "red"    The English refers to a reddish cosmetic or metal/glass-polishing powder, and can be a noun or a verb.

31 RSVP   "respond please"    This abbreviation stands for Répondez, s'il vous plaît, which means that "Please RSVP" is redundant.

32 soirée    "evening"    In English, refers to an elegant party.

33 tête-à-tête       "head to head"    A private talk or visit with another person

34 touché     "touched"    Originally used in fencing, now equivalent to "you got me."

35 Voilà !    "There it is!"    Nearly every time I see this in English, it is misspelled as "voilá" or "violà."

36 Fin

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