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The blood UNIT 10 (Chapter 17)

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1 The blood UNIT 10 (Chapter 17)

2 Think about it What substances does blood transport?
How does blood protect the body from infection? How are blood cells manufactured?

3 The Blood 10 Lesson 1: The Function and Composition of the Blood Lesson 2: Blood Types Lesson 3: Blood Disorders and Diseases

4 The Function and Composition of Blood video
Chapter 10: The Blood Lesson 1 The Function and Composition of Blood video

5 Objectives Explain how blood transports nutrients and waste products, regulates body temperature, and fights infection. Identify the solid and liquid components of blood. Describe how the body manufactures blood cells. Explain the physical properties and function of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Describe the process of coagulation.

6 A little bit of blood and gore (blood models)
Today we will be making blood our own blood just on a larger scale. Our blood is made up of four main components: white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets, and plasma - each of which serve specific purposes. At your tables make sure to pick up one of each of the following from the front. Come to the front to use other materials as needed. Starting Materials Jar Graduated cylinder Plastic spoon

7 The Function and Composition of Blood
the function of blood the formed elements physical properties of blood plasma

8 The Function and Composition of Blood
manufacturing blood cells red blood cells white blood cells platelets

9 Functions of the Blood Regulates Transports Temp Gases pH
Waste products Hormones Enzymes Nutrients Blood cells Plasma proteins (albumin, fibrinogen, and globulin) Regulates Temp pH Fluid and electrolytes Protects WBC Antibodies Clotting factors

10 Functions of the Blood

11 The Formed Elements (45%)
solid portion of blood red blood cells carry oxygen white blood cells immune response platelets clot

12 Physical Properties of Blood
blood volume 4–7 liters of blood taste salty color bright red from artery dull red from vein

13 Plasma (55%) liquid portion of blood 90% water 8% plasma proteins
2% mixture of electrolytes Nutrients Ions respiratory gases hormones waste products

14 The Composition of Blood

15 Review and Assessment Match these words with 1–4 below: plasma, platelets, bright red, red blood cell. 1. liquid portion of blood 2. carry oxygen 3. clot 4. arterial blood

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