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Presentation on theme: "FUNDAMENTALS OF CHEMISTRY"— Presentation transcript:


2 Atomic Structure Proton Neutron Electron Atomic Mass Electrical charge
Location Neutron Electron

3 Chemical Building Blocks
Atoms – fundamental units Elements Atoms differing in proton number Isotopes Element family with different neutron numbers Molecules Atoms joined by bonds Compounds Molecules with more than one elemental type

4 Atomic Properties Atomic Number Atomic / Molecular Weight Valence
Moles Relationship to MW Relationship to number of atoms or molecules present (6.02 x 1023)

5 Chemical Bonds — Ionic Loss or gain of electrons Anions Cations
Weak bonds

6 Chemical Bonds — Covalent
Shared electrons Strong bonds Common in organic molecules Nonpolar between identical atoms

7 Chemical Bonds — Hydrogen
Exposed protons on H atoms Shared with electronegative O or N atoms Weak, numerous bonds d.s. DNA Protein folding Enzyme/substate binding

8 Cellular Chemical Reactions
Catabolic (Decomposition) Large molecules broken down Energy is released AB A + B Anabolic (Synthesis) Small molecules joined by covalent bonds Energy is required A + B AB

9 Properties of Water 80% of any cell Polarity allows Ion formation
Surface tension Low ice density (Insulation) High Boiling point (specific Heat) Acid/base properties

10 Important Biological Molecules
Solution/Colloids Molecular dispersal differences Acids/Bases Acid = proton donor, eg HCl Base = proton acceptor, OH-

11 Organic polymers - Carbohydrates
Monosaccharides Polysaccharides Glycosidic bond type Examples Roles of Carbohydrates Structural Energy

12 Covalently linked glucose molecules – a huge carbohydrate polymer

13 Organic Molecules — Lipids
Triglycerides Hydrogen rich, large amounts of energy Polymers of glycerol, fatty acids Phospholipids Plasma membrane components Sterols

14 Fatty Acid Structure

15 Organic Molecules — Proteins
Monomers – Amino Acids Polymers – Peptides / proteins

16 Protein Folding Primary – Linear arrangement
Secondary = Alpha helix, Beta sheet Tertiary – 3-D folding

17 Protein Structure Quaternary Covalent linkages Examples

18 Organic Molecules — Nucleic Acids
DNA versus RNA Monomers – Nucleotides Organic Base Sugar Phosphate group (s) Functions Cofactors NAD, FAD, NADP Energy currency ATP, GTP

19 Nucleotide Structure

20 Nucleic Acid Polymers Functions: DNA RNA


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