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Carbon: Transformations in Matter and Energy

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1 Carbon: Transformations in Matter and Energy
Environmental Literacy Project Michigan State University Systems and Scale Unit Activity 3.1 Predictions about Soda Water Fizzing Image Credit: Craig Douglas, Michigan State University

2 Two Questions about Chemical Change
What is a chemical change? A change in matter where atoms are rearranged into new molecules. Scientists try to answer these questions about chemical changes that involve carbon atoms: The Movement Question: Where are atoms moving? (Where are atoms moving from? Where are atoms going to?) The Carbon Question: What is happening to carbon atoms? (What molecules are carbon atoms in before the process? How are the atoms rearranged into new molecules?) Tell students that during the investigation, one of the goals is to learn about the chemical change that is happening. Open the 3.1 Predictions about Soda Water Fizzing PPT and display slide 2. Use this slide to overview what we mean when we say “chemical change.” With slide 2 still open, draw the students’ attention to the Movement Question and the Carbon Question. Tell them that in this lesson they will be trying to answer these two questions about chemical change. Put a copy of the Three Questions 11 x 17 Poster on the wall for reference. Alternatively, give each student one copy of the Three Questions Handout for future reference. Tell students that in this lesson we will skip the Energy Question, but that we’ll get to that one in the next lesson.

3 What Are Your Predictions for the Movement Question and the Carbon Question?
Where are atoms moving? What is happening to carbon atoms? Divide students into pairs and tell them to compare and contrast their predictions with each other and to look for differences and similarities. Give students 2-3 minutes to compare their predictions. Display slide 3 of the PPT and ask pairs of students to share their ideas for both the Movement Question and the Carbon Question. Help the students look for similarities and differences in the predictions in the class. Try to get a range of ideas on the slide. Tell students that they will revisit their ideas after the investigation to see how their ideas changed over time.

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