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Reconstruction Overview and Status (representing a lot of people)

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1 Reconstruction Overview and Status (representing a lot of people)
Data Challenge II Reconstruction Overview and Status -or- Don’t Panic Tracy Usher (representing a lot of people)

2 Outline Introduction Picture of where we are going
Overview and status of TkrRecon Overview and status of CalRecon Picture of what will be implemented for DC-2 Summary

3 Introduction Defintion of Reconstruction
What do we mean by “Reconstruction”? Reconstruction begins after the digitized information has been converted to a particular systems “processed” data: TkrClusters in the Tracker CalXtalRecData objects in the Cal Allows for calibrations to be applied (particularly in the Cal) before getting into the business of reconstructing the event Reconstruction ends (ideally) when the event has been categorized and the energy and incoming direction have been determined with no further corrections necessary Just before writing to the PDS or production of ntuple Note: currently some of the above is done in the merit/AnalysisNtuple stage Hope to change this before done

4 Introduction General Strategy
Gaudi Algorithms Algorithms define the reconstruction tasks and control the sequence in which they are performed Gaudi Services Provide “global” information across events (e.g. geometry) Gaudi Tools Implementation of specific reconstruction tasks Interact with Algorithms through abstract interfaces to allow for straight forward interchangeability Gaudi Transient Data Store (TDS) Globally accessible repository containing the results of each reconstruction task Provides communication between the stages of reconstruction

5 Flow of Reconstruction Gaudi Algorithm Sructure: The End Goal
Digitization PDS/ntuple Output CalRecon Pass I TkrRecon Pass I CalRecon Pass II TkrRecon Pass II AcdRecon Event Summary CalXtalRecAlg TkrClusterAlg TkrTrackFitAlg EventSummaryAlg CalClusterAlg TkrFilterAlg TkrVertexAlg AcdReconAlg TkrFindAlg CalEventEnergyAlg CalMipFinderAlg Key Existing Algorithms New Algorithms Not “Recon” TkrTrackFitAlg CalEventEnergyAlg TkrVertexAlg

6 TkrRecon Overview and Status
Major modifications to TkrRecon: Restructuring/Streamlining of TDS output Refactor much of the TkrRecon code From pat rec through vertexing – pretty much all of it Introduce new features Filter step, test/alternative pat rec, etc. Infrastructure Hot/dead channels Alignment Etc. Most tasks completed by around early Spring Many rounds of bug fixes complete Hot/dead channels, alignment starting to be tested I&T folks have adopted latest TkrRecon Beating it/us up on a regular basis

7 TkrRecon TDS output Streamline the main TDS output: TkrClusters
TkrTrack Now output of Track finding, modified by Track Fit Contains global track parameters and a list of Hits for each silicon plane (existing or not) crossed from the first to last “real” hit of the track TkrTrackHit In turn contains TkrTrackParams containing the track fit parameters at each hit on the track Also contains a track status word giving details of status of the track finding/fitting, describing parameters used, etc. TkrVertex Major changes include addition of TkrTrackParams to provide a uniform method of extract track parameters Vertex status word similar to that for tracks

8 TkrRecon Various Improvements
Track Finding: Define common tool interface for Pattern Recognition code Combo Pat Rec extensively refactored Combinatoric search logic localized to ComboFindTrackTool Utilizes a new FindTrackHitsTool Utilized a Kalman Filter track following approach to associate hits to tracks Track Fitting: New implementation of Kalman Filter which provides control, via job options parameters, of: Particle mass hypothesis (e.g. can fit muons “easily”) Energy loss mechanism (radiation loss, Bethe-Bloch, etc.) Hit error determination (e.g. slope corrected) Various test options (e.g. turning off Multiple Scattering errors) Adds new features: “Smoother Memory” option – point at which subsequent hits on tracks no longer contribute to pointing Hit Residuals fits – drops hits from fit to get “unbiased” residuals “Recursive Fit” to fit for track energy Etc.

9 TkrRecon Various Improvements (continued)
Vertexing: Employ new/updated track combination strategy to improve quality of two track vertices Output TkrTrackParams for consistency of use Tracker Energy estimate via Multiple Scattering Rewrite of “computeMSEnergy” for determining energy in Tracke from tracking alone (relying on multiple scattering) Improvements to resolution, especially below ~200 MeV Track Energy Assignment New TkrTrackEnergyTool for apportioning total event energy to “best” two tracks in event Implement Alignment shifts into reconstruction In progress

10 TkrRecon Some New Stuff
Tracker Filter Step Goal: Do not attempt to run pat rec on “obvious” garbage events Method: a fast “event shape” analysis to determine if hits in tracker appear to be “track-like” or “cloud-like” Status: Testing a moments-analysis based method Monte Carlo Pattern Recognition Goals: Perform end-to-end testing of track fitting and vertexing to determine limits to tracking provided the “right” hits. Pattern Recognition Efficiency studies Method: Combine MC output (McParticles and McPositionHits) and relate to TkrClusters to from MC tracks which can be fit and vertexed Status: Working and used in some muon hit error studies “Global” Pattern Recognition algorithm Goal: Provide another method to study various Pattern Recognition issues and understand possible solutions A Method: Use 3d space points (TkrPoints), linking possible combinations of hits to form track possibilities. Tracks formed from best unique combinations of allowed possibilities. Status: Preliminary version available for testing Is it needed?

11 CalRecon Overview and Status
The Calorimeter is an information rich detector Hodoscope: Think of as a low resolution strip detector But with “pulse height” and longitudinal position information Attempt to maximize use of this information Break reconstruction into logical pieces Provide interfaces to each step to allow easy introduction of new techniques e.g. clustering Provide new tools to aid in background rejection e.g. MIP finding Redefine TDS classes to easily include extra information A work very much in progress at this point First results of bailing wire and chewing gum version in Bill’s talk

12 CalRecon New Reconstruction Structure
Cal Clustering: CalClustersAlg Associate hit crystals which are “connected” Current method is to associate all hit crystals into a single cluster Exploring alternate methods Really aimed at enhancing background rejection or improving cluster centroid/axis determination Cluster Finding Tool interface and TDS output defined, new tools can be switched in easily Create TDS output: CalCluster Total energy = sum of energies of crystals Cluster centroid and axis Some “quality” parameters A clustering status word Type of clustering algorithm run Status of various calculations (in case they fail) Classification of cluster (e.g. “miplike”) One new/resurrected feature: Cal Centroid position and axis are determined from a “moments analysis” as was done circa 1998 (?) Appears to be much better at including position and energy position from each crystal than the line fitting version used more recently Work in progress to resurrect the full iterative moments analysis

13 CalRecon New Reconstruction Structure
MIP Finding: CalMipFinderAlg Goal: Search for collections of hit crystals which are consistent with the traversal of a Minimum Ionizing Particle Very powerful background rejection tool Details of this will be presented in Fred’s talk Code is very nearly running within the new Gaudi/CalRecon structure Stay tuned for further progress reports

14 CalRecon New Reconstruction Structure
Energy Correction Step: CalEventEnergyAlg Two steps to this algorithm: Run the collection of energy correction tools that exist Select the “best” energy correction for the particular event Energy Correction Tools exist for both passes of CalRecon: CalRecon First Pass: CalRawEnergyTool no correction, outputs raw cluster parameters for first pass tracking CalRecon Second Pass: Shower profile fitting Leakage Corrections “Geometry” corrections Etc.

15 CalRecon New Reconstruction Structure
Energy Correction Step: CalEventEnergyAlg Results of each correction tool returned in a “standard” CalCorToolResult TDS object: An identifier for the particular correction tool A set of CalParams (energy, centroid position/axis and errors) A “chi-square” A status word A list of correction tool specific output which can be used in the final energy determination step Final Energy Selection Step: Ultimate idea: use a classification tree to select best energy based on all returned information Current studies: Use results of CalValsTool Final Ouput to TDS: CalEventEnergy “Best” Calorimeter Parameters The now ubiquitous status word List of CalCorToolResult objects from all correction tools

16 Flow of Reconstruction Gaudi Algorithm Sructure: Envisioned for DC-2
Digitization PDS/ntuple Output CalRecon Pass I TkrRecon Pass I CalRecon Pass II TkrRecon Pass II AcdRecon Event Summary CalXtalRecAlg TkrClusterAlg TkrTrackFitAlg EventSummaryAlg CalClusterAlg TkrFilterAlg TkrVertexAlg AcdReconAlg TkrFindAlg CalEventEnergyAlg CalMipFinderAlg Key Existing Algorithms New Algorithms Not “Recon” Not Fully Ready TkrTrackFitAlg CalEventEnergyAlg TkrVertexAlg

17 Summary Since DC-1 both TkrRecon and CalRecon have undergone extensive restructuring Improvements in the code Improvements in the output Implementation of new tools to aid event selection and analysis As a result, should see improvements in Background rejection PSF Tail suppression (I hope!) Energy Resolution (Hopefully) reconstruction efficiency First version now running See Bill’s talk this afternoon for current results

18 BasicOptions.txt Reconstruction.Members={ "Sequencer/Cal1", "Sequencer/Tkr", "Sequencer/Cal2", "Sequencer/TkrIter", "Sequencer/Acd" }; // First pass of Cal Recon - full recon... Cal1.Members = { "CalXtalRecAlg", "CalClustersAlg/first", "CalMipFinderAlg", "CalEventEnergyAlg/RawEnergy" }; // First pass of Tkr Recon Tkr.Members = { "TkrReconAlg/FirstPass" }; // Second pass of Cal Recon - energy corrections only Cal2.Members = { "CalEventEnergyAlg/second" }; // Second pass of Tkr Recon TkrIter.Members = { "TkrReconAlg/Iteration" };

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