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“Soaring Successfully Everyday!”

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Presentation on theme: "“Soaring Successfully Everyday!”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Soaring Successfully Everyday!”
Let’s Jet! November 26th – 30th , 2018 “Soaring Successfully Everyday!”

2 November 26th- 30th : Metro United Way Campaign
(sponsored by Mrs. Young’s 2nd grade class) 26th - Dec. 7th : 1st grades Hot Chocolate Fundraiser

3 Breakfast Menu: November 26th-30th Week 1

4 Lunch Menu: November 26th – 30th

5 FRC Needs Wrights Family Resource center is in desperate need of STRETCHY SWEATPANTS in ALL SIZES and colors. You can drop off your donations at Wright anytime Monday-Friday between 7:15am-3pm. If you have any questions you can call Ms. Hammond at (502)

6 NEW VOLUNTEER UPDATE! Below is a message from our district regarding the volunteer application process. Shelby County Public Schools is pleased to announce a recent change in the cost associated with Administrative Offices of the Courts (AOC) background checks. The required background check conducted for potential volunteers through the Administrative Offices of the Courts is now $10. In light of this new information, Shelby County Public Schools is offering a refund to volunteers who submitted reimbursements or donations for background checks before this change went into effect on August 21, Please contact your school’s FRYSC Coordinator for information regarding the refund process. I apologize that there has been another change. We are returning to the previous volunteer process. You still have to go through the AOC Fastcheck. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or checking your volunteer status please contact me, Katelyn Hammond, at

7 Community Events and Information

8 Metro United Way- Born Learning Academy
Date Topic Time Location 9/20 Social & Emotional Development 5:30-7:00pm NECC 10/11 Math Fall Festival 5:00-7:00pm 12/13 Language & Literacy 5:30pm-7:00pm 1/24 Health (Nutrition) 2/21 Friendship Dance (Movement & Art) Date to be announced K-Readiness Night (Tour of Kindergarten) Time to be announced Kindergarten Home School (Wright) The United Way Born Learning Academy is a series of six free workshop to promote kindergarten readiness by turning everyday moments into learning opportunities. The workshops are held at Northside Early Childhood Center 821 College ST. with food, childcare, and educational toys for all. This is for families with children ages 0-5.

9 The Serenity Center has their food bank on Wednesdays from 12pm-4pm
The Serenity Center has their food bank on Wednesdays from 12pm-4pm. The Serenity Center: 98 7th Street.

10 Wright Elementary Katelyn Hammond, Coordinator Phone number: (502) Hours of Operation: Monday –Friday 7:00 am- 3:00 pm

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