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Two Techniques for Teaching Programming

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1 Two Techniques for Teaching Programming
J. Philip East University of Northern Iowa 1

2 The Two Things, etc. Students do self-assessments of their programs
I use in-person grading Goal (as always) is to enhance student learning (and for me to enjoy life more) I am (now) using the two techniques in conjunction

3 Student Self Assessment
Students complete their programming assignment Then they complete an assessment of their program We do this because they should be able to tell if/when a program is good (and that requires practice) I think this might make students attend more to learning and quality and less to “points”

4 The/An Assessment Sheet

5 Using the Assessment Sheet
Early in the semester we discuss the characteristics of “good” programs Students assess the quality of components of their assignment and select a “quality” abysmal, poor, okay, good, or excellent It has to work correctly to be “okay” We do in-person grading

6 The In-person Grading Process
I announce that students must do it and post a sign-up schedule Students choose a grading appointment time program & results are due the day before meeting may occur in the lab (to verify correctness) appointment times are minutes each Grading runs before and after the due date I try to do style stuff for everyone on 1st program In-person grading becomes optional later on

7 Some Comments This was hard for me—I am not a touchy-feely kind of teacher and I was/am nervous about being in a position of authority up close & personal Two semesters experience—one program 1st time and two “required” programs 2nd time Mostly fumbled along blindly (have to do things my way) but Doug Cooper (Oh Pascal! Instructor’s Manual) and my wife said it was do-able and worth doing

8 Turns out I like it! So did a most of the students
several were very vocal in their positive statements 25-50% signed up when it was optional In the meetings with students, I noticed that I felt like a teacher! In-person grading provides an opportunity for me to see inside student heads classroom activity does not doing so is necessary (according to my educational philosophy) if I am to teach well

9 Turns out I like it! (continued)
It takes more time to do in-person grading, but I enjoy most of the time spent Previously: find 6-8 hour blocks of time to grade programs all at once. Now: grade a handful each night of the week (maybe in front of the TV) I try to come up with questions (RE correctness, logic, layout, etc.) to ask students—much nicer than cryptic evaluative comments on paper I think (but don’t know) students attend better to the feedback

10 So I am going to continue using (and trying to improve my use of) student self-assessment and in-person grading I encourage you to do the same Happy Teaching! :-)

11 ? Questions? Reactions?

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