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Colour in The Book Thief

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1 Colour in The Book Thief

2 Death and Chocolate ‘First the colours. Then the humans.
That’s usually how I see things. Or at least, how I try.’ p.13

3 A small theory ‘People observe the colours of a day only at its beginning and ends, but to me it’s quite clear that a day merges through a multitude of shades and intonations, with each passing moment. A single hour can consist of thousands of different colours. Waxy yellows, cloud-spat blues. Murky darknesses.’ (p. 14)

4 ‘The last time I saw her was red
‘The last time I saw her was red. The sky was like soup, boiling and stirring. In some places it was burned. There were black crumbs, and pepper, streaked amongst the redness.’ p. 22

5 Independent Study 1: Choose a significant or memorable day from your life and create a collage which focuses on colours to reflect the events, your feelings and emotions. Present it on A3 or A4 and bring it with you to next week’s lesson!

6 Memory Lane – Independent Study 2
You are going to need your mood board. Record in your English book a list of words that you associate with the day you have considered as a memorable one. Use a thesaurus to see if there are variations of the words that could be handy for writing about the day – consider different moods that could be created.

7 Poem – Independent study 2
Try to think of a theme that fits the memorable day and plan, draft and complete a final copy of the poem in your English book.


9 Visual representation
When you read, whether it is a novel, short story or poem, you have your own internal movie reel or video that turns the words on the page into images in your mind. Authors use a variety of different written techniques to bring their written words alive for the reader. Some of the literary techniques that Markus Zusak employs in The Book Thief are simile, metaphor and personification.


11 Figurative Language DEFINITIONS:
SIMILE: when the subject is compared to another subject, using the words like, as or such. METAPHOR: describes a direct comparison between two or more seemingly unrelated objects. PERSONIFICATION: Gives animals and objects human traits and qualities. These may include sensations, emotions, desires, gestures, expressions and powers of speech.

12 Independent Study 3 Use a quote from the novel (found on the earlier slides) and interpret it creatively from the image in your mind’s eye onto paper. Read the quotations Select one that appeals to you Draw your visual representation/picture Write a half page description in your English book

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