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ZOMBIES Javier infante prieto Miguel.A fernandez haba 1.

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Presentation on theme: "ZOMBIES Javier infante prieto Miguel.A fernandez haba 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 ZOMBIES Javier infante prieto Miguel.A fernandez haba 1

2 Definition A zombie is a dead person that comes back alive and doesn´t remember anything of his/her past. They eat human flesh, and you can turn into a zombie if you get bitten by a zombie 2

3 General Charasteristics
- When a body becomes dead, in a few hours, it will turn into a zombie. -A zombie has no instinct for self-survival. -Zombies move quite slow…but they never get tired and that’s why they often catch people because they never, ever stop. -When not eating, zombies don’t sleep. They just wander aimlessly, waiting to find food. -They don´t remember their past. -They eat other people. 3

4 Pictures 4

5 How to kill a Zombie You can kill a zombie in many ways:
-One of them is by cutting their heads off. -You can also kill them by burning them. -Shooting them in the head several times. -Breaking their neck 5

6 Zombie FILMS BOOKS -Zombies party -Los caminantes
-I walked with a zombie -Planeta zombie -Zombi 2 -Zombieland BOOKS -Los caminantes -Resident evil -Orgullo prejuicio y zombies - Zombie Island - The ploge of zombies 6

7 Bibliography Wikipedia Zombie pictures

8 Comments and Mark Good lay-out (presentation).
Good pictures and good information. Weakest part: comparison between books and movies. You have to add the websites from which you took all the information. You have to add a vocabulary section. B-: 7

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