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Environmental feeding and relationships revision

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1 Environmental feeding and relationships revision

2 WALT: Revise environmental and feeding relationships
Describe differences between commensalism, mutualism Describe food chains and food webs. Describe habitats and the factors that affect organism distribution there.

3 Symbiotic relationships
Mutualism Commensalism Parasitism What do these words mean Give an example

4 Question Describe the relationship of animals in an ecosystem (habitat) of your choice Discuss the following: Conditions present in the habitat. Food chains within the habitat Adaptations for competition and survival of particular animals. Predator-prey relationships of different animals in your habitat Conclusion of the relationships in your habitat.

5 Post it task Around the room are a list of 10 questions.
You have to go around the room and pick five of these questions to focus on within the lesson. Write them down on your post it note.

6 Draw a simple food chain
Describe some habitats and the things that live there. Explain the word herbivore and omnivore What do the arrows in a food chain represent? Look at the food web below. Write down 5 food chains from it Explain the word producer and consumer Draw a pyramid of biomass for a particular food chain and a pyramid of numbers. Describe what animals compete for. Why are green plants called producers? State ways in which 2 animals are adapted Describe what a predator-prey relationship looks like using a graph Explain the terms; producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, tertiary consumer and predator. Give the names of animals that live in the arctic, desert and ocean. Describe any energy losses in a food chain. Explain why pyramids or numbers and pyramids of biomass are different.

7 Describe some habitats and the things that live there.
Question 1 Describe some habitats and the things that live there.

8 Draw a simple food chain
Question 2 Draw a simple food chain

9 Explain the word herbivore and omnivore
Question 3 Explain the word herbivore and omnivore

10 Question 4 Look at the food web below. Write down 5 food chains from it

11 Explain the word producer and consumer
Question 5 Explain the word producer and consumer

12 Why are green plants called producers?
Question 6 Why are green plants called producers?

13 What do the arrows in a food chain represent?
Question 7 What do the arrows in a food chain represent?

14 Question 8 Draw a pyramid of biomass for a particular food chain and a pyramid of numbers.

15 Question 9 Explain the terms; producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, tertiary consumer and predator.

16 Peer assessment Criteria Two stars and a wish.
Read through your partners poster. Give them two areas they have covered well and a way that they could improve.

17 Producer Predator Consumer Food chains Food webs Herbivore Carnivore
Creative writing – it’s up to you what you write but you MUST write in full sentences and use all the key words below. Plan your writing before you write the finished thing! If you finish, think of as many more key words that can and write out descriptions for each. Producer Predator Consumer Food chains Food webs Herbivore Carnivore

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