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Reasons why the Constitution has been amended

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Presentation on theme: "Reasons why the Constitution has been amended"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reasons why the Constitution has been amended
2.8 Reasons why the Constitution has been amended

2 Protection of basic rights

3 Protection of basic rights: Amendment 1
Freedom of Religion: government is not allowed to choose a religion

4 Protection of basic rights: Amendment 1
Freedom of Speech: you have the right to say what is on your mind

5 Protection of basic rights: Amendment 1
Freedom of Press: you have the right to write what is on your mind

6 Protection of basic rights: Amendment 1
Freedom of Petition: You have the right to ask the government to change

7 Protection of basic rights: Amendment 1
Freedom of Assembly: You have the right to gather in a group

8 Protection of basic rights: Amendment 2
Because Congress and the states can maintain a militia of men to defend the country…

9 Protection of basic rights: Amendment 2
Congress does not have right to keep people from owning and carrying guns

10 Protection of basic rights: Amendment 2
There are laws that regulate purchase, ownership, and use.

11 Protection of basic rights: Amendment 3
Can citizens be forced to house soldiers in their homes?

12 Protection of basic rights: Amendment 3
During peace – No War time – yes; Congress sets the rules

13 Protection of the rights of the accused

14 Protection of rights of the accused: Amendment 4
No unreasonable search and seizure.

15 Protection of rights of the accused: Amendment 4
Police must have search warrant or arrest warrant

16 Protection of rights of the accused: Amendment 4
Search and arrest warrants issued by courts.

17 Protection of rights of the accused: Amendment 5
Guarantees that you will not be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law

18 Protection of rights of the accused: Amendment 5
due process of law: a person must be allowed EVERY step required by law

19 Protection of rights of the accused: Amendment 5
Guarantees that you will not be tried twice for the same crime. (double jeopardy)

20 Protection of rights of the accused: Amendment 5
Guarantees that you will not be forced to testify against yourself (self incrimination)

21 Protection of rights of the accused: Amendment 5
Guarantees that you will not be tried for serious crime without indictment by grand jury

22 Protection of rights of the accused: Amendment 5
Miranda Decision The U.S. Supreme Court read Amend 5 and decided that as part of “due process” the police had to read you a list of rights

23 Protection of rights of the accused: Amendment 6
Guarantees that you will have a speedy and public trial.

24 Protection of rights of the accused: Amendment 6
Guarantees that you will have a trial by an impartial jury

25 Protection of rights of the accused: Amendment 6
Guarantees that you will be informed of the charges against you.

26 Protection of rights of the accused: Amendment 6
Guarantees that you can confront witnesses against you and can require witnesses to appear for you

27 Protection of rights of the accused: Amendment 6
Guarantees that you will be defended by an attorney

28 Protection of rights of the accused: Amendment 7
Guarantees that you will have a trial by jury in civil suits (above $20)

29 Protection of rights of the accused: Amendment 7
If both sides agree, a trial can be held without a jury

30 Protection of rights of the accused: Amendment 8
Guarantees that the following will NOT be assigned to you: excessive bail

31 Protection of rights of the accused: Amendment 8
Guarantees that the following will NOT be assigned to you: excessive fines

32 Protection of rights of the accused: Amendment 8
Guarantees that the following will NOT be assigned to you: cruel and unusual punishment

33 Voting rights and elections

34 Voting rights and elections: Amendment (12)
Election of President and Vice President is changed: electors will cast separate ballots for each office

35 Voting rights and elections: Amendment 15
The right of citizens to vote shall not be denied because of race or color (or previous condition of servitude)

36 Voting rights and elections: Amendment (17)
Election of Senators was changed from state legislators to direct vote by people in the state

37 Voting rights and elections: Amendment 19
The right of citizens to vote can not be denied because of sex

38 Voting rights and elections: Amendment 23
Guaranteed the right of people living Washington, D.C. to vote in presidential elections

39 Voting rights and elections: Amendment 24
Abolished poll taxes in presidential or congressional elections

40 Voting rights and elections: Amendment 26
Lowered the voting age from 21 to 18

41 Changes to the original plan of government

42 Changes to original plan of govt: Amendment 12
Election of President and Vice President is changed: electors will cast separate ballots for each office.

43 Changes to original government plan: Amendment 16
Gave Congress the power to collect income taxes

44 Changes to original plan of govt: Amendment 17
Election of Senators was changed from state legislators to direct vote by people in the state.

45 Changes to original government plan: Amendment 20
Established January 20 as Inauguration Day

46 Changes to original government plan: Amendment 20
Established that Vice President becomes President-elect if President-elect dies

47 Changes to original government plan: Amendment 20
Set a limit of seven years on ratification of Amendments

48 Changes to original government plan: Amendment 22
Established a two-term limit on the presidency

49 Changes to original government plan: Amendment 25
Established line of succession to presidency

50 Civil War amendments

51 Civil War amendments: Amendment 13
Abolished slavery

52 Civil War amendments: Amendment 14
Made citizens of U.S. citizens of state in which they live

53 Civil War amendments: Amendment 14
Guaranteed DUE PROCESS

54 Civil War amendments: Amendment 14

55 Civil War Amendments: Amendment 15
The right of citizens to vote shall not be denied because of race or color (or previous condition of servitude)

56 Other issues

57 Other issues: Amendment 9
People’s rights are not limited to those mentioned in the Constitution

58 Other issues: Amendment 10
The states keep all powers except those denied them And cannot have those specifically given to the federal govt

59 Other issues: Amendment 11
If you want to sue a state the case must be tried in a state court

60 Other issues: Amendment 18
Prohibited the production, sale, or transportation of alcoholic beverages

61 Other issues: Amendment 21
Repealed the 18th Amendment

62 Other issues: Amendment 27
An increase in the salary of members of Congress will take effect in the next session

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