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Collecting Like Terms Lesson 21.

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Presentation on theme: "Collecting Like Terms Lesson 21."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collecting Like Terms Lesson 21

2 Terms Literal Coefficients – are variables (letters) that represent unknown numbers. Numerical coefficients – are numbers Terms – are made up of numerical and literal coefficients.

3 Like Terms Terms with identical literal coefficients are like terms.
EXAMPLE: y, 3y, -2y are like terms x, -2g, 3k are not like terms Basically the variable has to be the same.

4 Like Terms Also the variable needs to be to the same power to be like terms. Example: y2, -2y2, 45y2 are like terms y, -20y2, 5y3 are not like terms The exponent has to be the same number.

5 Try These Which are like terms? Why? 5b, 3g, -2g, 2g2, 5g, ½g, -g

6 Solution: Which are like terms? Why? 5b, 3g, -2g, 2g2, 5g, ½g, -g
Red – like terms. ( they all have the same variable to the same power) White – not like terms.

7 Combining Like Terms t + t + t+ t + t
There are five variables which are like terms therefore we simply add them like we would if they were numbers. t + t + t+ t + t = 5t

8 Combining Like Terms 4t + 3t + t = (4+3+1)t = 8t 2t2 + 8 – 5t2
Rearrange the variables so that all like terms are side by side. 2t2 – 5t2 + 8 ( notice that the sign in front of the number came with the number) 2t2 – 5t2 + 8 = -3t2 + 8

9 Combining Like Terms 2t + 3t2 – 2t –t2
3t2 – t2 + 2t – 2t (collecting like terms) 2t2 + 0 2t2

10 Combining like terms 3ab + 4a – 3b + 4ab – 7a + 2b
3ab + 4ab + 4a – 7a – 3b + 2b 7ab -3a – b Finished the question because none of the variables are the same.

11 Class work Lesson 21 - Worksheet

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