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Hormone controlled monthly cycle in the female

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Presentation on theme: "Hormone controlled monthly cycle in the female"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hormone controlled monthly cycle in the female

2 Menstrual cycle

3 Haploid sex cells formed in the male reproductive organs

4 sperm

5 A developing baby after the first two months of pregnancy until birth

6 fetus

7 Male organ that produces sperm and testosterone

8 testes

9 Mixture of sperm and a fluid that help sperm move and supplies them with an energy source

10 semen

11 Thin, liquid-filled protective membrane that forms around the embryo

12 Amniotic sac

13 Chemical produced by the endocrine system; released directly into the bloodstream by ductless glands

14 hormones

15 Hollow, muscular organ where a fertilized egg develops into a baby

16 embryo

17 Fertilized egg that has attached to the wall of the uterus

18 embryo

19 Monthly process in which an egg is released from an ovary and enters the oviduct where it can become fertilized by sperm

20 ovulation

21 Muscular tube that connects the lower end of the uterus to the outside of the body; the birth canal through which a baby travels when being born

22 vagina

23 Period of development; usually last 38-40 weeks in humans from fertilized egg until birth

24 pregnancy

25 Female reproductive organ that produces eggs and is located in the lower part of the body

26 ovary

27 Monthly flow of blood and tissue cells that occurs when the lining of the uterus breaks down and is shed

28 menstruation

29 As males mature sexually, what begins to produce sperm?

30 testes

31 A mixture of sperm and seminal vesicle fluids

32 semen

33 What system releases hormones into the bloodstream?

34 endocrine

35 During the first two months of development, the unborn child is known as the _____.

36 embryo

37 During the last seven months of pregnancy, the unborn child is known as the _______.

38 fetus

39 A fertilized egg is known as a ___________.

40 zygote

41 What is also called the birth canal?

42 vagina

43 Where does the fertilized egg develop?

44 uterus

45 What gland controls your body’s metabolism?

46 thyroid

47 What gland regulates growth?

48 pituitary

49 The negative-feedback system of the endocrine system works much like a __________ in your home.

50 thermostat

51 How often does a female release an egg?

52 Once a month

53 What is the process of egg release called _______.

54 ovulation

55 What happens inside the uterus as an egg matures in the ovary?

56 The lining of the uterus thickens for the fertilized egg.

57 If an egg isn’t fertilized, what happens to the egg and to the lining of the uterus?

58 The egg is dissolved and the lining of the uterus is shed.

59 How long does menstruation (not the entire cycle) last?

60 5-7 days

61 Why are testes located on the outside of the body?

62 To keep sperm at a cooler temperature

63 What happens during menopause?

64 Females do not ovulate

65 What age does menopause usually occur?

66 45

67 What is another name for a chemical messenger?

68 hormone

69 What are the two parts of the sperm?

70 Head and tail

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