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Geographic Forms.

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1 Geographic Forms

2 BELL RINGER: Draw a compass rose What is a map key?

3 Objective I can explain the importance of longitude and latitude
As a global citizen, I can identify geographic landforms and understand how they affect peoples’ lives

4 Globes-Hemispheres To better locate a place on Earth Geographers use a system of imaginary lines the crisscross the globe. Like an X/Y graph. The equator, a Latitudinal line, circles the middle of the Earth. Everything North of the Equator is in the Northern Hemisphere. Everything south of the equator is in the Southern hemisphere.

5 Equator

6 Globes-Hemispheres cont.
Another imaginary line runs from north to south. This line of 0* Longitude is called the Prime Meridian. Everything east of the Prime Meridian for 180 degrees is the Eastern hemisphere. Everything west of the Prime Meridian for 180 degrees is the Western hemisphere.

7 Prime Meridian

8 Latitude and Longitude
Lines of latitude and longitude form a grid system of lines that help locate places on Earth. Latitudinal lines, like the equator, circle the Earth and measure the distance North or South. (Latitude is Flatitude!) Longitudinal lines, like the Prime Meridian, circle the Earth from pole to pole and measure how far East or West. (Longitude is Long-gitude)

9 East, West, North, South on the Earth
The N tells us we’re in the northern hemisphere. The S tells us we’re in the southern hemisphere. The E tells us that we’re east of the Prime Meridian in the eastern hemisphere. The W tells us that we’re west of the Prime Meridian in the western hemisphere. (N, W) (N, E) (S, W) (S, E)

10 What is Latitude? All points along the equator have a value of 0 degrees latitude. North pole = 90°N South pole = 90°S Values are expressed in terms of degrees. 90°N Y X 90°S

11 What is Longitude? Longitude is the distance from the prime meridian
All points along the prime meridian have a value of 0 degrees longitude. The earth is divided into two parts, or hemispheres, of east and west longitude. Y X 180°W 180°E

12 What is Longitude? The earth is divided into 360 equal slices (meridians) 180 west and 180 east of the prime meridian Y X 180°W 180°E

13 So Where is (0,0)? The origin point (0,0) is where the equator intersects the prime meridian. (0,0) is off the western coast of Africa in the Atlantic Ocean.

14 See If You Can Tell In Which Quarter These Lon/Lats Are Located
1. 41°N, 21°E 2. 37°N, 76°W 3. 72°S, 141°W 4. 7°S, 23°W A B D C

15 Let's See How You Did! 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C

16 Absolute location The grid system formed by latitude and longitude makes it possible to find the exact location of a place. Only one place can be found at one point where a line of latitude crosses a line of longitude. By using degrees and minutes (points between the degrees) people can pinpoint the precise spot the lines cross

17 Brain Pop /latitudeandlongitude/preview.weml

18 Latitude and Longitude worksheet
Independently or with a partner work on questions 3-7 of your worksheet. You have already done questions 1 &

19 Vocabulary Turn to page G14 of textbooks.
½ look up the words Rivers, lakes, bays, and oceans. ½ look up Mountains, deserts, plains, and coastal plains. Write definitions in your notebooks! Trade definitions with your partner

20 Bell Ringer Using the sentences, predict the definitions of the word in bold: The river runs through the two mountains and ships sail on it to trade. The animals survive off of very little water in the desert.

21 Rivers and Lakes River: large natural stream of water that runs through land Lakes: A large inland body of water

22 Bays and Oceans Bay: part of a large body of water that extends into a shoreline

23 Desert: A dry region with very little rainfall (precipitation)
MOUNTAINS AND DESERTS Desert: A dry region with very little rainfall (precipitation) Land with steam sides that rises sharply from surrounding land

24 Plains and Coastal Plains
relatively low relief, that is flat or gently rolling Plain: An area of level land usually a low elevation, and often covered in grasses

25 Evaluating Advantages and Disadvantages
With a partner brainstorm, record, and explain 3 possible advantages and 2 disadvantages of living near a 2 of the following geographic landforms Options: Ocean/Bay Lake River Coastal Plain Desert Mountain

26 Independent Practice Imagine you are living in one of these places. Write a diary entry about what life is like there. Possible details to include: What kind of food do you eat (i.e. Seafood? Land animals?)? How do you get your food? What do you do for a living? Where in the world is this place? Use complete sentences! Draw a picture at the bottom of the land at the bottom of your location. Feel free to use colored pencils

27 Exit Ticket Write the definition of 1 of the following: River, lake, bay, coastal plain, mountain and explain provide one advantage and one disadvantage of living near that place How many degrees of latitude are there north of the equator?

28 Homework If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? What hemisphere is it in? What are the approximate degrees of latitude and longitude? According to the compass rose what direction is it from Tennessee? What oceans , continents, geographic landforms is it near? USE THE REFERENCE ATLAS IN THE BEGINNING OF THE BOOK TO HELP

29 Reflection What would you tell someone who was absent today?
Why do global citizens need to know about geographic landforms? Why do they need to know latitude?

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