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Peer Edit.

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1 Peer Edit

2 Write “Peer Edited By:_______”, at the top of your partner’s paper, filling in the blank with your name.

3 Read the story. What happens
Read the story. What happens? Write a short list of numbered events at the end of their story. Example: 1. Father and son go to soccer game. 2. Son commits error on field 3. Father yells across field. 4. After game, father apologizes

4 Write “CD” in the margin next to every detail
Write “CD” in the margin next to every detail. Details, in this story, can be any description of what the narrator sees, hears, smells, tastes, touches, or senses. Details can also include reports about the character’s thoughts.

5 Write “Dialog” sideways in the margin next to any dialog
Write “Dialog” sideways in the margin next to any dialog. If the paper lacks dialog, write, “Needs dialog.” Check the dialog for proper format. If your partner did not skip down to a new paragraph every time the speaker switches, draw an arrow pointing down at the location that needs a new paragraph.

6 Read the entire story, looking for anything that sounds confusing or awkward. If you can fix a problem you find, fix it. Otherwise, just mark it ‘Awk’ for “awkward”. Mark run-on sentences ‘RO.’

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