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Functional Skills: Nutrition ....FOOD!.

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1 Functional Skills: Nutrition ....FOOD!

2 During this project you will:
LO: Use calculation skills in the context of nutrition. During this project you will: Use calculation skills in the context of nutrition to work out a sensible diet. This can be for you, someone you know, or someone you make up.

3 Spend a moment looking at the words below:
LO: Use calculation skills in the context of nutrition. Spend a moment looking at the words below: Calories Protein Carbohydrates Fibre Fat Vitamins kcal What do each of these words mean?

4 LO: Use calculation skills in the context of nutrition.
Before he was British Number 1, there was a report about Andy Murray almost living off sushi.

5 LO: Use calculation skills in the context of nutrition.
And Usain Bolt first broke the world 100 metre record after he ate some of his superfood... chicken nuggets.

6 What is meant by a balanced diet?
LO: Use calculation skills in the context of nutrition. What is meant by a balanced diet?

7 LO: Use calculation skills in the context of nutrition.
What would you need to think about if you were going to design a good diet for yourself?

8 Firstly you will be give a sheet like this one.
LO: Use calculation skills in the context of nutrition. Firstly you will be give a sheet like this one. You have to fill it in to work out how many calories you need each day. You will also have to use the example and then work out how many grams of carbohydrates, protein and fat you should include.

9 LO: Use calculation skills in the context of nutrition.

10 You get that information from these sheets.
LO: Use calculation skills in the context of nutrition. You get that information from these sheets. When you get the sheet to fill in you will notice that for each activity you need to fill in “Calories per kilo per hour”. You will only need to consider the main physical activities you do, for example sports. Remember to include the amount of walking you do. Things like cleaning are on the list. If it’s not on the list you will have to find something similar or not include it.

11 LO: Use calculation skills in the context of nutrition.
Try to put a good amount of effort into this because we want to use the information when we look at food.

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