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SOL Review By: Samantha Landon.

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1 SOL Review By: Samantha Landon

2 Jeopardy Directions: Organize into small groups.
Appoint a scorekeeper. Use the buzzer and wait to be called on to answer questions. Phrase answers in the form of a question, i.e. “What is…” Questions about a category? Ask for clarification.

3 Progressives WWI Great Depression WWII Cold War 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

4 What is they were all major labor strikes ?
Pullman, Homestead and Haymarket Square are significant to the labor movement during the Progressive era because… HOME

5 What is AFL (American Federation of Labor)?
Samuel Gompers was the founder of this labor union. HOME

6 What are elections? Secret Ballots, primary elections and the 17th Amendment are all Progressive reforms in this area. HOME

7 What is government? Referendum, Initiative and Recall were all Progressive accomplishments in this area. HOME

8 What is the Square Deal (Roosevelt) and the New Freedom ( Wilson)?
These were the Progressive plans created by Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. HOME

9 What is 1914? World War I began in this year. HOME

10 What is France, Russia, Great Britain, the U.S.?
These countries made up the Allied Powers. HOME

11 What are Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungary and Germany?
These countries made up the Central Powers. HOME

12 What are the Zimmerman Telegram and the sinking of the Lusitania?
The U.S. entered World War I for these reasons. HOME

13 What is the 14 Points? This was the name of the Woodrow Wilson’s plan to eliminate the causes of war. HOME

14 What is overspeculation, bank failure, high tariffs, stock market crash ?
This is one of the causes of the Great Depression. HOME

15 Who is Herbert Hoover? This president had shacks named after him. People believed he did not do enough to end the depression; he believed the depression was part of the business cycle and would end naturally. HOME

16 Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt?
This president was elected in 1932; he promised a “New Deal” to end the depression. HOME

17 What is the TVA, Social Security, and FDIC?
Name one of several New Deal programs that is still around today. HOME

18 What is WWII? This event ended the Great Depression. HOME

19 What is the Treaty of Versailles?
This treaty ending World War I punished Germany so badly, that it helped lead to World War II. HOME

20 What is the German invasion of Poland?
This event started World War II. HOME

21 What is the Lend-Lease Act?
During the war, this act allowed the U.S. to give Britain war supplies and old ships in exchange leases on military bases in the Caribbean. HOME

22 What is Island Hopping? The U.S. used the method of seizing islands closer and closer to Japan and using them as bases for air attacks on Japan. HOME

23 What ? . HOME

24 What is the executive branch?
The branch of the government that carries out law. HOME

25 Who is John Marshall? This man established judicial review. HOME

26 What is conservative? This interpretation of the Constitution allows for a strict interpretation. HOME

27 What is liberal? This interpretation of the Constitution allows for actions to be taken that are not specifically stated in the Constitution. HOME

28 What is the Elastic Clause?
This clause allows Congress to make any law necessary to carry out its specific powers. HOME

29 WE MADE IT! GOOD JOB! Any Questions from the game? Any Questions for the test?

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