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Federal vs. State vs. Local Governments

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Presentation on theme: "Federal vs. State vs. Local Governments"— Presentation transcript:

1 Federal vs. State vs. Local Governments
On the Level Federal vs. State vs. Local Governments

2 “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” What is meant by this Amendment?

3 Federalism The division of power among a central government and smaller regional governments.

4 The founders divided the power between the federal government and state governments
because they were afraid of a federal government that had too much control.

5 Federal Government The constitution delegates specific powers to the national, or federal government. Expressed powers are… Listed clearly in the Constitution EX: Print money, declare war

6 Not in Constitution, but “necessary and proper”
Implied powers are… Not in Constitution, but “necessary and proper” EX: The Constitution expresses the power to establish post offices, but not give the power to print postage stamps Inherent powers are… Not in Constitution, but needed for federal government to function. EX: Immigration and international relations acts

7 State Powers No list of “State Powers” in the Constitution
Any powers not given to the federal government is reserved, or given, to the states.

8 State Powers Reserved powers are… Denied powers are…
Broad powers given to states. EX: Public safety, health, education, licenses, marriage laws, establish new courts Denied powers are… Powers denied to the states

9 Concurrent Powers Examples:
Establish courts, make and enforce laws, collects taxs

10 Local Government Not mentioned in Constitution
Power left to the states Local gov’t get their power from the state What does this mean for each local government’s power?

11 Local Government Each state gives slightly different powers to its local government EX: Things that are affecting the town Laws against graffiti, start of the school day, change or destroy sidewalks

12 Federal Powers v. State Power
Write 1 note for… Federal powers State powers Shared powers

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