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Aim: How did WWI transform the United States?

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1 Aim: How did WWI transform the United States?
World War I Part 2 Aim: How did WWI transform the United States?

2 Declaration of War April 2, Pres. Wilson asks Congress to declare war on the Central Powers “the world must be made safe for democracy.” April 6, 1917 The United States enters World War I . (the day my father was born, really!) It would take months to mobilize the troop and the vast economic resources of the United States.

3 Total War Effort Involved everyone in the war effort.
Resources, industry, agriculture & civilians involved in the war effort. Expansion of Federal Powers becomes a major issue. Government given greater authority.


5 Selective Service Act of 1917
American was NOT ready for war. Only 200,000 men were in service when war was declared so Congress passed the Selective Service Act in May 1917 By the end of 1918, 24 million had signed up and almost 3 million were called to duty About 2 million troops reached Europe

6 Patriotism

7 Super-Americanism Anti-German sentiment!
Mozart, Beethoven, sauerkraut, frankfurters, hamburgers. Even pretzels!! German no longer taught in High School.

8 Increasing the Powers of the Federal Government
Economic regulations Social regulations Restriction of civil liberties.

9 War Industries Board War board fixed prices/regulating the economy.
Control over major industries (steel, RR’s) Control over raw materials Set production quotas. Led by Bernard Baruch.

10 Rationing Food Administration led by Herbert Hoover
Wheatless, Meatless & Sweetless Daylight savings time began to conserve energy.


12 Financing the War War Bonds sold to the public. (Loans)
War cost $33 billion. Sold $400 per adult bonds. Promoted by movies stars, school, factories.


14 Women in the War


16 Civil Liberties Espionage & Sedition Acts
Espionage (1917) prison for 20 years for persons who tried to incite rebellion in the armed forces or obstruct war effort. Sedition (1918) punished persons who spoke or wrote anything considered “disloyal” or “abusive” about the government.

17 Civil Liberties 2,000 people were convicted. Socialists or labor leaders. Schenck v. United States (1918) Issue: Freedom of Speech -1st. amendment Case: Schenck, a pacifist, distributed pamphlets against the draft. Decision: Schenk lost. 1st amendment rights could be limited in times of danger. “Clear and Present Danger” standard.

18 Armistice- 11/11/18 American Expeditionary Forces in France by 1918.
Fresh and strong succeeded in helping the Allies defeat the Central Powers. Casualties: 48,000 in battle, 56,000 from disease (Influenza Pandemic of 1918) My father lost 2 brothers from the flu.

19 Summary-How did WWI change America and the American People?
Women- employment and contributions to the war effort helped the passage of the 19th amendment. US fully industrialized during the war will go into recession afterwards. Migration of African Americans to the north for employment. Expansion of the Federal government. US recognized as a world power.

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