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Jeopardy Final Jeopardy $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200

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1 Jeopardy Final Jeopardy $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200
Vocabulary Heat Transfer 1 Heat Transfer 2 Heat Transfer 3 Earth’s Systems $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy

2 1 - $100 Found in the stratosphere; this gas absorbs the sun’s ultraviolet rays and protects plants, animals, and other organisms from ultraviolet rays ozone

3 1 - $200 The transfer of heat between two substances that are in direct contact is Conduction

4 1 - $300 The layer’s of gases surrounding the planet that is retained by Earth’s gravity and protects life from ultraviolet solar radiation and reduces temperature extremes between day and night atmosphere

5 1 - $400 When air warms up, it causes water vapor to form. The amount of water vapor in the atmosphere is called humidity

6 1 - $500 In fluids (liquids and gases), atoms and molecules can move easily from one place to another. As they move, their energy moves along with them. The transfer of heat by the movement of a fluid is called convection

7 2 - $100 Which situation is an example of transferring heat by means of convection? The sun warming the Earth Weather patterns outside You grabbing a hot pan The weather patterns outside are a great example of heat transfer by convection. The hot air in the sky cools off and becomes denser, which then sinks to the ground. This air then gets warmed by absorbing heat from the ground (which comes from the sun) and becomes less dense and cycles back up to the sky. This cycle is a convection current and what causes our weather patterns.

8 2 - $200 The process of heat radiation is the ONLY method of heat transfer that can occur______. Through space

9 2 - $300 the circular motion that happens when warmer air or liquid (fluids), which has faster moving molecules, making it less dense, rises while the cooler air or liquid drops down.  Convection cycle

10 2 - $400 In the Northern Hemisphere, convection creates______large convection cells that produce________winds., global B. six, global c. three, global D. four; westerly Three, global In the northern hemisphere, convection produces three large convection cells that produce global winds. The three cells are tropical, temperate, and polar. Three large cells are also produced in the southern hemisphere.

11 2 - $500 Warm air rises at the equator and cold air sinks at the poles creating Convection currents Warm air rises at the equator and cold air sinks at the poles creating convection currents. Warm air is less dense and rises; it is replaced by cooler air. This creates air movement.

12 3 - $100 ______ currents are responsible for circulating hot and cold air in the atmosphere and causing local weather systems a. oceanic b. radiation c. conduction d. convection  Convection

13 3 - $200 The sun’s heat reaches Earth by what means? radiation

14 3 - $300 Once the sun’s energy reaches the earth’s atmosphere through radiation, it is circulated within the atmosphere and oceans through convection because once the heat reaches earth's atmosphere, it is being transferred through gas rather than empty space.

15 3 - $400 Paul likes to stir hot food with a wooden spoon because it doesn’t burn his hand. His friend Sue says that a metal spoon wouldn’t burn his hand either. Is Sue correct and why? No, Metal is a better conductor than wood, so a metal spoon could burn Paul’s hand

16 3 - $500 Which statement BEST describes why warm ocean currents are usually surface currents? A. warmer water is less dens than cold water B. ocean tides bring warm water to the surface C. Warm water contains more salt than cold water Warm water is less dense than cold water. When water is heated, it expands slightly and becomes less dense. This makes warm water rise to the surface, while cold water sinks. This explains why warm ocean currents are surface currents, rather than deep currents.

17 4 - $100 The driving force behind the water cycle and why water changes phase is the A. weather on Earth B. Sun’s energy C. Earth’s atmosphere D. heat within Earth’s Core B Sun's energy. The energy from the Sun drives the water cycle. It is also converted by producers of Earth, into usable chemical energy or glucose.

18 4 - $200 When ironing clothes, the primary method of heat transfer is
conduction is when heat is transferred directly from one solid to another through the collision of molecules.

19 4 - $300 A cold iron skillet is places onto a stove top. When the stove is turned on, the skillet becomes very hot. Why does the skillet get hot? The skillet is losing energy to the stove The stove is gaining energy from the skillet The skillet is gaining energy from the stove The skillet is ganging energy (heat) from the stove The skillet is gaining energy from the stove is correct. Heat always flow from a hot item to a cold item.

20 4 - $400 Most of the energy needed for all the processes on earth comes directly or indirectly from the sun. There is no medium or material connecting the sun to the Earth. Therefore, the only type of heat transfer possible to transfer energy from the sun to the Earth is radiation

21 4 - $500 Bill wants to teach his brother that the Sun gives off energy. What can Bill tell his brother to demonstrate that the Sun has heat energy? It is warmer inside the house than outside. Ice cream melts faster outside on a sunny day. Sunglasses help keep the light out of your eyes B Ice cream melts faster outside on a sunny day because of the Sun’s heat energy. The other statements do not demonstrate the Sun’s heat.

22 5 - $100 Our atmosphere is composed of several gases. The name of the gas we breathe, O2 is oxygen

23 5 - $200 The Earth’s atmosphere is divided into five layers. In which layer does all life exist? Troposphere: The layer of the atmosphere where all life exists is the troposphere. It starts at the surface of the earth and extend between 4-10 miles up. Over half of the atmosphere is the troposphere.

24 5 - $300 Scientists believe Earth’s early atmosphere lacked ______ gas because photosynthetic organisms did not yet exist Oxygen The Earth's early atmosphere lacked oxygen because photosynthetic organisms did not exist at the time. Carbon dioxide is taken in and oxygen is released during photosynthesis.

25 5 - $400 Which of these BEST describes the relationship between the atmosphere and hydrosphere? The atmosphere and the hydrosphere have no relationship The hydrosphere grows due to the formation of volcanoes The solid layer of the hydrosphere is located the atmosphere Evaporation brings water into the atmosphere and condensation brings it back to the hydrosphere D. The relationship between the liquid hydrosphere and the gas atmosphere is evaporation brings water into the atmosphere and condensation brings it back to the hydrosphere.

26 5 - $500 As you travel from the surface of the Earth up through the atmosphere into outer space, the gases become less dense, more dense, or higher in temperature Less dense Gravity pulls on the gases of the atmosphere, and more of them settle to the bottom, like sand in a glass of water. Therefore, as you travel up, the gases become less dense

27 Final Jeopardy Explain what causes wind.
The land and water absorb the energy from the sun at different rates. This difference causes the air above the water and land to heat up at different rates as well, causing high pressure and low pressure. Therefore, the uneven heating of the earth's surface by the sun causes wind.

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