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Faithful Citizenship A Call to Political Responsibility from the Catholic Bishops of the United States.

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Presentation on theme: "Faithful Citizenship A Call to Political Responsibility from the Catholic Bishops of the United States."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faithful Citizenship A Call to Political Responsibility from the Catholic Bishops of the United States

2 Requirements for Group Presentation
All group members must participate in presentation Adhere to the rubric given to your group Content included in presentation: Brief summary of your section of the document Seven key points from your section Provide a notes outline for your section for the rest of the class to take notes This should be completed and printed or ed to Ms. P by the end of class on Wednesday You can access the online version of the document here: citizenship-title.cfm

3 Group Sections Part 1: Introduction Conner, Bryce
Part 1: What does the Church teach about issues affecting public policy? Cynthia, Ben Part 1: Who in the Church should participate in political life? Kyle, Robert Part 1: How does the Church help the Catholic faithful to speak about political and social questions? Tyler, Alex Part 1: What does the Church say about Catholic Social Teaching in the Public Square? Four Principles of Catholic Social Teaching Amanda, Armand Part 2: Human Life, Promoting Peace, Marriage and Family Life, Religious Freedom - Syria, Colleen Part 2: Preferential Option for the Poor and Economic Justice, Health Care, Migration, Catholic Education Camila, Kailey Part 2: Promoting Justice and Countering Violence, Combatting Unjust Discrimination, Care for our common home, Communication, Global Solidarity Camrey, Jordan, Justin Part 3: Goals for Political Life - Challenges for Citizens, Candidates, and Public Officials Brooke, Larissa

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