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Respiration System Biology 12.

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Presentation on theme: "Respiration System Biology 12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Respiration System Biology 12

2 What do you notice? What do you wonder?

3 What do you notice? What do you wonder?

4 What do we already KNOW about the respiratory system?

5 Cool facts about the respiratory system
The lungs are the only organs that will float on water The average person breathes in approximately 6 L of air each minute You breath in about 17,000 times each day

6 Respiratory System Phayrnx Larynx Trachea Cartilage Bronchi Bronchiole
Alveoli Visceral pleura Parietal pleura


8 Pleural Linings of Lungs

9 Lung Lobes Right lung has 3 lobes (Upper, middle, lower)
Left lung has cardiac notch (for heart) Left lung has 2 lobes (upper and lower)

10 Larynx The larynx is a series of cartilage and chords
Passes air over chords which vibrate We make sounds when we push air OUT through these series of chords

11 Nasal Passages There are four sets of sinuses: frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, and maxillary, which all help to humidify (mucous) and filter (cilia) the air Vestibule (entrance to nasal cavity) has mucous and hairs to trap dust and pathogens

12 Trachea 1 inch in diameter 4 - 6 inches in length
Moves air from the pharynx to the bronchi 16 – 20 cartilage rings keep open Mucous producing cells on epithelial layer Cilia help trap particles and move up to pharynx for you to cough out

13 Bronchi and Bronchiole
No cartilage rings or mucous Lead from trachea to alveoli Important for cleaning and warming air before it gets to alveoli Important for thermoregulation in the lungs (homeostasis of temperature important for gas exchange)

14 Alveoli At end of respiratory tree
Sites of gas exchange (with circulatory system capillary net) Only in mammalian lungs Average person has 700 million alveoli, which covers 70 m2 for gas exchange Contain elastin, which allows for stretching Has nerve net around sacs to prevent over inflation Pulmonary surfactant (lipid/protein mucous) reduces surface tension (helps with lung inflation). Alveoli

15 Window Art Draw and label the respiratory system. Be sure to include:
Nasal passages Pharynx Larynx epiglottis Trachea Bronchi Bronchiole Alveoli Capillary net Lung lobes (right and left) Pleura (visceral, cavity, parietal) Diaphragm Window Art

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