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School Direct Computer Science Drama English Geography History

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Presentation on theme: "School Direct Computer Science Drama English Geography History"— Presentation transcript:

1 School Direct 2014-15 Computer Science Drama English Geography History
For we are working in close partnership with Nottingham Trent University. We are working across two secondary schools and seven primary schools within our partnership. In total we are looking to offer places across a wide range of subjects – these are:- Secondary Partner Schools Catmose College (Lead School) and Uppingham Community College Primary Partner Schools Bluecoats Primary, Brooke Hill Academy, Catmose Primary, Ketton CE, St. Nicholas CE, Uppingham CE, Whissendine CE Computer Science Drama English Geography History Maths Modern Foreign Languages (French + Spanish / German) Music Physical Education Physics Primary Technology

2 School Direct Why train at Catmose or Schools within the Alliance? We are committed to high quality professional development High quality mentor support Access to a Professional Tutor Bespoke programme of twilight training Successful experience with ITT and School Direct Our Programme 2 week induction summer term Typically one Yr7 group from day one Treated like a full time permanent member of staff Short second placement within partner school

3 School Direct 2014-15 Recruitment
UCAS will allow trainees to identify individual schools within the Alliance Course requirements – Minimum of 2:1 Degree (although less will be considered if prior experience is very strong) 50% of degree must be within your chosen subject (Primary – ideal focus should be in core subject but other degrees will be considered.) Prior Experience is experience and should be a minimum of 2 weeks. Please contact the College if you need support in this area. All trainees must complete the skills test prior to starting the course We want High quality ambitious people who are committed to be Outstanding Trainees who are resilient, flexible, team players, passionate, and have personality.

4 The Two Routes School Direct 2014-15
The School Direct Training Programme is open to graduates and funded by tuition fees paid by the trainee, who may receive a bursary from the National College for Teaching and Leadership and a student loan. There is an intention that the route will lead to employment in the school. The School Direct Training Programme (Salaried) is an employment based route into teaching for high quality graduates with three or more years full time career experience. The trainee is employed as an unqualified teacher by a school. The National College for Teaching and Leadership provides funding. Both routes must be delivered in partnership with an accredited provider like NTU. 18 February 2019

5 School Direct 2014-15 Funding School Direct (Non-salaried Route)
Trainees pay a tuition fee of £9000 to the accredited provider. The school and provider will then negotiate the way the training is to be delivered and how the funding is apportioned. Trainees can apply for a student loan and may be eligible for a bursary. School Direct (Salaried Route) Schools receive funding from the National College for Teaching and Leadership to subsidise the salary. The salary is around £15,976. The tuition fee for the academic award is still £9000 for the trainee.

6 School Direct 2014-15 2014-15 Bursaries
Training Bursary 2014/15 ITT Subject/Phase Physics, Maths Computing Chemistry Languages Other Priority Secondary, Primary Specialists Scholarship £25,000 First £20,000 £9,000 £11,000 2:1 £15,000 £4,000 2:2 £12,000 £0 £6,000 English, history, biology, geography, music, and design and technology

7 School Direct 2014-15 NTU AWARDS
In addition to Qualified Teacher Status trainees will also achieve one of the following Academic Awards, depending on the proportion of Master’s level credits obtained: Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) (120 Masters credits) Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) (60 Masters credits/60 level 6) Professional Graduate Certificate in Education (ProfGCE) (120 level 6 credits)

8 Programme: (Indicative) Primary
School Direct Programme: (Indicative) Primary

9 Programme: (Indicative) Secondary
School Direct Programme: (Indicative) Secondary

10 School Direct 2014-15 What Next?
UCAS system opens to applications 21st November but can be viewed beforehand As soon as you have a live application, you can sit the professional skills tests which you must pass before you start a course You will receive a decision within 40 working days of the application being received Interviews will take place in school and will be conducted by school and University staff.

11 UCAS Teacher Training How does it work for applicants?
School Direct UCAS Teacher Training How does it work for applicants? 18 February 2019


13 Any Questions? For more Information on School Direct through Catmose College please contact John Harrison (Vice Principal) at Information on School Direct in partnership with NTU can be found at For Nottingham Trent enquiries, including qualification requirements please contact Linda Adcock at

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