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Rhett Revolution Student Expectations

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1 Rhett Revolution Student Expectations
November 16, 2017

2 Student Expectations On Thursday, November 16th, you will come to school and report to your normal “sitting area” in the morning (ex: 8th grade in the cafeteria). There will be lists posted throughout the school to tell you what room to report to “1st period” – it will not be your normal 1st period class (ex: just like we do STAAR testing rooms). If you are not going on the trip, you will be assigned a class to report to.

3 Student Expectations We are loading buses at approximately 8:30-8:40. If you are not at school before then, you will not go on the field trip. Your parent cannot drop you off at the Expo Center. Parents are not permitted to pick you up from the Expo Center.

4 What do I wear? Students should be in regular school clothes. We are encouraging you to wear a CAV Spirit Shirt (if you have one). You MUST wear your school ID. You will be given a temporary if you do not have your ID (Yes – it counts like any other day as an ID violation) If you come to school, and you are out of dress code for any reason, you will not go on the field trip because you will not have time to change. Slides (the slip on sandals) are not allowed on this field trip (for safety reasons)…you will be walking from the parking lot to the Expo Center and need to have soled shoes on. No Slides for the field trip!

5 What materials do I need?
You do not need any materials for this field trip. No pens, no pencils, no paper, no nothing – therefore, you do not need to bring a bag or backpack of any kind. Book bags or bags of any kind will not be allowed on the bus. A purse is ok to bring if necessary.

6 What about cell phones? You are permitted to bring your cell phones on the bus (no other electronic devices). Cell phones must be put away (out of sight) unless you have permission from an adult to have it out for any reason. During the activity at the Expo Center, you are able to carry the cell phone on your person. It must not be visible and should be silenced (should not be seen or heard)…so because you can’t take a bag you probably need to wear pants with pockets. You are responsible for your cell phone. If you are afraid you might lose it, you should not bring it. If your parent/guardian needs to get in contact with you, they will call the school, and the school will contact an administrator.

7 Tentative “Field Trip Schedule” for Nov. 16th
8:05-8:40 – Start the day in assigned room (like STAAR Testing rooms) – Take attendance Students not going will also have a designated room to report to. 8:40-8:55 – Load busses 8:55-9:30 – Travel to Expo Center 9:30-10:30 – Performance 10:30-10:40 – Load busses 10:40-11:16 – Travel back to CPMS – All teachers/students go back to the same room they started the day at. 11:16-2:00 – Everyone will stay in that room and lunches will be done similar to STAAR where students eat in their classroom 2:00-2:55 – Advisory (lesson will be provided) 3:00-3:40 – 9th period

8 How will lunch work? Lunches will begin at approximately 11:45-12:00pm on this day (not your normal lunch time)…it will not be a normal lunch, so it is best that your parent/guardian NOT bring you lunch or plan to check you out of school for lunch on this day… 6th grade will eat lunch first when we get back…there will be a system of getting your lunch and eating in your assigned room. 7th grade will eat lunch 2nd (time unknown as it will depend on what time we get back and how long it takes to feed 6th grade). 8th grade will eat lunch 3rd (time unknown as it will depend on what time we get back and how long it takes to feed 7th grade). **There will be one option to choose from in the cafeteria this day…You are welcome to bring your lunch (and eat in your assigned room at any time)

9 Student Expectations for Behavior
While on the field trip, you are expected to act with Cavalier Integrity – doing the right thing when nobody is watching (and when people are watching). The Student Code of Conduct applies at all times (ex: on the bus, at the event center, etc.). Any behavior that violates the Student Code of Conduct and/or CPMS Student Handbook will result in a serious referral and serious consequence such as ISS.

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