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Genetic Engineering Humans use Genetic Engineering to select desired traits to pass on to the next generation.

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Presentation on theme: "Genetic Engineering Humans use Genetic Engineering to select desired traits to pass on to the next generation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genetic Engineering Humans use Genetic Engineering to select desired traits to pass on to the next generation.

2 "The potential of gene technology is beyond the comprehension of most people today" - Dr. Patrick Dixon - Wall Street Journal

3 Breeding Strategies Selective Breeding – choosing few (best) individuals to reproduce ex. Labradoodle, Labrador and poodle Pluot, plum and apricot Inbreeding – crossing closely related individuals to maintain a desired trait Siamese cat to siamese cat to maintain line

4 Hybridization – crossing dissimilar individuals of same species - results in a hardier, healthier individuals ex. Chickens, two different types bred for the meat. One is disease resistant, one grows fat. Breeding them- chicken is healthy and fat.

5 Cloning video

6 Cloning is the creating an organism with the exact genes.
Steps: Remove the haploid nucleus from the egg Remove the nucleus from a body cell Add the nucleus to the empty egg cell Stimulate the cell to begin dividing.

7 Cloning

8 Cloning animals Read the article provided and answer the questions at the end of the article.


10 What can we clone in the name of science?

11 Recombinant DNA Benefits:
DNA from 2 different species are joined together Benefits: Plants- Better yield per plant Pest resistance Herbicide resistance

12 Benefits in Animals: Create organisms that can produce rare or difficult to produce substances such as: Insulin, human growth factor Vaccines, antibiotics plastics

13 Risks: Allergic responses to new materials in foods
Spread of weed resistance to wild plants Unanticipated toxicity to wildlife Control of agriculture by biotech companies

14 Recombinant DNA

15 Recombinant DNA 4 steps Isolate the desired gene (insulin)
Use restriction enzyme to cut the DNA of host (bacteria) and desired gene Use warmth to induce bacteria to uptake new DNA piece Allow new cell (with modified DNA) to grow


17 Humans and bacteria are very different. Why can their DNA be combined?

18 Chapter 14 Human Genetics

19 Looking at the human genome
Karyotype- a picture of the chromosomes that have been put in order.

20 Karyotype lab Karyotype notation ___________, ___________, __________
#chrom gender additional chromosome Example: 47, XY, +11 This patient has 47 chromosomes, is a boy and has an extra #11.

21 From a Karyotype... Diagnosis of certain conditions Downs Syndrome
Caused by non disjunction

22 The Sex Chromosome #23 Two sex chromosomes- X and Y chromosome. Dad is XY Mom is XX

23 Sex Linked Inheritance: Genes located on the sex chromosome.
on the Y: only males have the gene. on the X: Both males and females (BUT more likely in females since they have 2 X’s. EX. Color blindness (on the X chromosome)

24 Sex linked problem Hemophilia is a bleeding disorder. The cells don’t make the proteins for clotting the blood. This disorder is found on the X sex- chromosome only. If a woman (XX) that is a carrier of the abnormal gene and she marries a normal man what are the chances her offspring will have hemophilia?


26 Colorblindness- an X-linked disorder

27 Genetic disorders Hemophilia- Sickle Cell Anemia-
Blood does not have ability to clot Sickle Cell Anemia- Irregular shaped red blood cells How to identify?

28 Manipulating DNA Gel electrophoresis
used to separate and analyze the DNA. The steps will be outlined in today's lab activity.

29 Steps for electrophoresis
Extract DNA Cut DNA with a restriction enzyme Load into the gel Plug in and run the electrophoresis DNA separates based on size and charge Compare DNA

30 PKU 20 amino acids that make up Proteins. Enzymes help us to breakdown
these amino acids

31 Extra vocab Polyploidy- double or triple the amount of chromosomes, Plants. Transgenic- organisms that has genes from another organism Genetic Marker- tagging a bacteria so it can be identified later.

32 Tangelo: what is it?? Minneola tangelo, which was created in 1931, and the Orlando tangelo, which was created in Each of these “breeds” is the hybrid of one specific type of tangerine and one specific type of grapefruit. Thus, the tangelos that you will find in the grocery store today are products of both a natural occurrence and scientific intervention.

33 Cloning Recombinant DNA
COMPARE Cloning Recombinant DNA

34 Human Genome Project * identify all the approximately 20,000-25,000 genes in human DNA, * determine the sequences of the 3 billion chemical base pairs that make up human DNA, * store this information in databases, * improve tools for data analysis, * transfer related technologies to the private sector, and *address the ethical, legal, and social issues (ELSI) that may arise from the project.

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