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Supporting members who raise concerns

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1 Supporting members who raise concerns
about patient safety

2 Try to frame your concern as offering an opportunity for improvement and as helping to address a shared problem. Adopt the right tone - an aggressive or accusatorial tone can produce a ‘shutters down’ response in which lawyers are instructed, trenches are dug and preparations are made for what is perceived to be an inevitable tribunal claim. Remember that a collaborative approach may produce a speedier resolution of the issue and will not deprive you of your employment protection rights. Don’t prejudge the issue or the individuals involved – concentrate on mapping out the evidence and letting the employer draw out the conclusions.

3 Don’t assume knowledge - amplify your points in such a way that they can be understood not only by the recipient but also by a third party with no background knowledge (including an employment law judge). Turn the tables on yourself – think how you would react to what you are saying if you were on the receiving end and consider what approach would work best in those circumstances. Don’t threaten to escalate the matter before the employer has had a reasonable amount of time in which to respond. Show that you are allowing the employer time to respond by indicating that you will seek an informal conversation about the issue in 2-3 weeks.

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