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Compiled by Richard Russell

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1 Compiled by Richard Russell
Prayer Quotes, Volume 5 Compiled by Richard Russell

2 “Two went to pray? Better to say one went to brag, the other to pray.”
- Richard Crashaw

3 “No man - I don't care how colossal his intellect - No man is greater than his prayer life.”
- Leonard Ravenhill

4 “Prayer is not so much an act as it is an attitude of dependency, dependency upon God. Prayer is a confession of creature weakness, yes, of helplessness. Prayer is the acknowledgment of our need and the spreading of it before God.” - Arthur W. Pink

5 “The spiritual history of a mission or church is written in its prayer life.”
- R. Arthur Matthew

6 “Real prayer comes not from gritting our teeth but from falling in love.”
- Richard Foster

7 “Prayer wonderfully clears the vision; steadies the nerves; defines duty; stiffens the purpose; sweetens and strengthens the spirit.” - S.D. Gordon

8 “The Lord has heard my cry for mercy; the Lord accepts my prayer.”
- Psalm 6:9

9 “One Line Prayer: Dear God, Your will, Nothing more, Nothing less, Nothing else.”
- Unknown

10 “Prayer is not designed to inform God, but to give man a sight of his misery; to humble his heart, to excite his desire, to inflame his faith, to animate his hope, to raise his soul from earth to heaven.” - Adam Clarke

11 “We must lay before him what is in us, not what ought to be in us.”
- C.S. Lewis

12 “All I know is that when I pray, coincidences happen; and when I don’t pray, they don’t happen.”
- Dan Hayes

13 “Prayer is the first thing, the second thing, the third thing necessary to a minister. Pray, then my dear brother; pray, pray, pray.” - Edward Payson

14 “History is silent about revivals that did not begin with prayer.”
- Edwin Orr

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