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Library Rules Jeopardy!

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Presentation on theme: "Library Rules Jeopardy!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Library Rules Jeopardy!
It’s Time For... Library Rules Jeopardy!

2 Jeopardy $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300
Who and What? Book Check Out Behavior, Etc. Books and Tech Library Rules $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

3 Who and What $100 The name of the Library Media Specialist
Who is Mrs. Atwood?

4 Who and What $200 Besides the media specialist, who else works in the library
Who is Mrs. Palin?

5 Who and What $300 What can the library staff help you with. A
Who and What $300 What can the library staff help you with? A.) Book Selection B.) Research Projects C.) Computer Questions D.) All of the Above D. All of the Above

6 Who and What. $400 What do I help you to find while you are in media
Who and What? $400 What do I help you to find while you are in media? What’s my job? A.) Magazines B. ) Information C.) Music B. Information

7 Who and What? $500 When is the library open?
During homeroom, recess and lunch

8 Behavior etc. $100 How many passes are there in the library and what are they for?
2, bathroom and water

9 Behavior, etc. $200 What must you do before you take a bathroom or water pass?
Ask an adult in the room

10 Behavior, etc. $300 If you are breaking the rules, what will be your first warning
Step 1

11 Behavior, etc $400 What happens if you get to step 3?

12 Paw Points! Raffle tickets!
Behavior, etc. $500 What might you get media if you’re being respectful, responsible and ready? Paw Points! Raffle tickets!

13 Books and Tech $100 How many PAC computers are in the media center?

14 Books and Tech $200 What do we use the PAC computers for?
Only for searching for books during book checkout

15 Books and Tech $300 How many books are in the media center. A
Books and Tech $300 How many books are in the media center? A.) 2,000 B.) 14,000 C.) 30,000 B.) About 14,000

16 Books and Tech $500 What section of books were moved this year?
Graphic Novels, Popular Series (Diary, Geronimo, Capt.)

17 Books and Tech $400 Name three sections of the library
Audio, Graphic Novels, Reference, Fiction, Non-fiction, Everybody

18 Library Rules $100 How many ridiculously simple rules do we have?

19 Library Rules $200 Name 2 rules in Media.
1. Always Walk 2. Use indoor voices 3. Ask for help 4. Respect library materials 5. Respect each other

20 Library Rules $300 Why do we have rules?
To keep us safe

21 A pass/permission from your teacher
Library Rules $400 If you visit the media center during homeroom, recess or lunch, what must you have? A pass/permission from your teacher

22 Library Rules $500 What one word sums up all of these rules. A
Library Rules $500 What one word sums up all of these rules? A.) Respect B.) Honesty C.) Responsibility A. Respect

23 Book Check Out $100 How many books can you check out at once?

24 C.) The last 15 minutes of your class
Book Check Out $200 When is book checkout during media? A.) the first 10 minutes of class B.) In the middle of the class C.) the last 15 minutes of class C.) The last 15 minutes of your class

25 Book Checkout $300 How long can you keep a book?
One week

26 Book Check Out $400 How many times can you renew a book before having to return it?

27 Book Check Out $500 If you lose a book, what should you do?
Tell Mrs. Atwood or Mrs. Palin

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