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LOW VOLTAGE OP AMPS We will cover: Methodology:

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1 LOW VOLTAGE OP AMPS We will cover: Methodology:
Low voltage input stages Low voltage bias circuits Low voltage op amps Examples Methodology: Modify standard circuit blocks for reduced power supply voltage Explore new circuits suitable for low voltage design

2 Low-Voltage, Strong-Inversion Operation
Reduced power supply means decreased dynamic range Nonlinearity will increase because the transistor is working close to VDS(sat) Large values of λ because the transistor is working close to VDS(sat) Increased drain-bulk and source-bulk capacitances because they are less reverse biased. Large values of currents and W/L ratios to get high transconductance Small values of currents and large values of W/L will give smallVDS(sat) Severely reduced input common mode range Switches will require charge pumps

3 Input common mode range drop
VDD – VDS3sat + VT1 > vicm > VDS5sat + VT1 + Von1 > vicm > , unsymmetric!

4 p-n complementary input pairs
n-channel: vicm > VDSN5sat + VTN1 + VonN1 p-channel: vicm <VDD- VDSP5sat - VTP1 - VonP1

5 Non-constant input gm N

6 constant input gm solution
Let Vb1 depends on Vicm so that Mb1 is turned on when MN1,2 are turned off, and Ip becomes 4 times. Similarly when MP1,2 are off, In becomes 4 times. When both pair on, In and Ip are bothe 1 times

7 Set VB1 = Vonn and VB2 = Vonp

8 Rail-to-rail constant gm input
When both on, I5=I1=I12=IBP=Ip; I11=I7=I6=IBN=In As Vin+ and Vin- reduce, MN1,2 begins to turn off, MNC1,2 also begins to turn off. I7 reduces, so does I8. I9 = I12-I8 increases, so does I10, which is 3(I12-I8)=3(Ip-In), which becomes 3Ip when n-pair turns off.

9 Complementary input stage with rail-to-rail Vicmr and constant gm
aIp Ip aIn 3(Ip-In) aIn a(Ip-In) BP Vbp in+ in- NC1,2 PC1,2 N1 P1 P2 N2 Vi+ Vi- Vi+ Vi- Vi- Vi+ ip+ ip- BN Vbn 3(In-Ip) aIp aIn In aIp a:3 1 2 3 4 a(In-Ip)

10 Rail-to-rail constant gm input
Coban and Allen, 1995

11 The composite transistor


13 Cascode tail current to improve common mode rejection

14 Dual n-channel input for PVT-R
Vss  Vbc + Veb1 Vbc + Veb1  Vdd – Vdsat5 + Vth1 Ifc Ii Vins+ and Vins- are shifted up by about Vbc + Veb1=Vthn+Veb13+Veb13c+Veb2

15 Here: Vins+ and Vins- are shifted up by Vthp+Veb5, which can be made to be about Vthn+Veb13+Veb13c+Veb2

16 Level Shifter Analysis
Transfer Function Pole Zero Model Since |p|<|z|, there is phase delay. Delay is max at sqrt(pz). To make delay small enough, need |p| >> UGF of Ab. So make gm large, and Cgs large relative to CL. What is RL? What about gmb effect?

17 When Vin+ and Vin- are high, MS3 and MS4 are fully on.
All the current in MS3&4 are mirrored to MS6. MS7 will have 0 current, so does MS8. That turns off the shift-input pair. As Vin+- drop, the right tail current source is pushed into triode. I_MS5 decreases, I_MS7 increases, and the shift-input pair is being turned on. The transition range depends on Veb of tail cascode and of input pair. When both pairs are partially on, there is no high impedance node.

18 Will this addition make the drain of MS6 always low impedance?
Current in this needs to be increased to accommodate the added current

19 Will this work?

20 Bulk-Driven MOSFET

21 Bulk-Driven, n-channel Differential Amplifier
I1=I2=I5/2 As Vic varies, Vd5 changes and gmb varies Varied gain, slew rate, gain bandwidth; nonlinearity; and difficulty in compensation

22 Bulk-driven current mirrors
Increased vin range and vout range

23 Traditional techniques for wide input and output voltage swings
Iin+Ib Ib Ib Iin VT+2Von >2Von 1/4 1 + 1 VT+Von Von Von VT+Von 1 1

24 Traditional techniques for wide input and output voltage swings
Iin Iin Ib Ib + VT+2Von Io Veb >2Von 1/4 1 Von Von VT+Von 1 1

25 A 1-Volt, Two-Stage Op Amp
Uses a bulk-driven differential input pair, wide swing current mirror load, and emitter follower level shifter

26 Op Amp Performance

27 Frequency Response

28 Low voltage VBE and PTAT reference

29 Threshold Voltage Tuning for low power supply voltages operation

30 Implementation of the voltage sources

31 A low voltage Op Amp core

32 Op Amp Implementation Clock booster Bias voltage generator
Leakage from M3 make less than 2VDD, two stages are used. R is used for Clock booster Bias voltage generator

33 Clock booster (doubler)
CB1 >> CBL

34 Experimental Results Power supply 750mV Slew Rate 3.1V/uS GB 3.2MHz
DC gain 62dB Input offset voltage 2.2mV Input common mode range 0.1V-0.58V Output swing for linear operation 0.31V-0.58V PSRR at DC 82dB CMRR at DC 56dB Total power consumption 38.3uW Power supply range…… Offset voltage package

35 Common mode feedback for low voltage

36 1.5v op amp for 13bit 60 MHz ADC

37 Output Stage and CMFB

38 Folded cascode with AB output
Lotfi 2002

39 Simulated performance
0.25 um process 1.5 V power supply 82 dB DC gain 2 V p-p diff output swing 170 MHz 10 pF load 77o PM with b = 1/5 0.02% 1V step settling time: 8.5 ns Full output swing Op Amp power: 25 mW

40 Differential difference input AB output
Alzaher 2002

41 LOW POWER OP AMPS Op Amp Power = (VDD-VSS)*Ibias
Reduce supply voltage: effect is small Many challenges in low voltage design same as before Reduce bias: factor of hundred reduction Weak inversion operation Nano-amp to small micro-amp currents Needs small current biasing circuits and small current reference generators Needs output stage to drive the load Design it so that it consume tiny quiescent power But generate sufficient current for large signals Tradeoff speed for reduced power

42 Sub-threshold Operation
Most micro-power op amps use transistors in the sub-threshold region. np~1.5; nn~2.5

43 Two-Stage, Miller Op Amp in Weak Inversion
At VDD-VSS=3V, ID5=0.2uA, ID7=0.5uA, got A=92dB, GB=50KHz, P=2.1uW

44 Push-Pull Output in Weak Inversion
First stage gain Total gain S=W/L

45 Increasing gain What is VON? L5=L12, W12=W5/2 S13<<S4 go

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