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The Start of Revolution

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1 The Start of Revolution
Jeopardy The Start of Revolution War! Vocab Government Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question from Vocabulary
Term which describes the voyage taken by slaves across the Atlantic Ocean

3 $100 Answer for Voabulary What is the Middle Passage?

4 $200 Question from Vocabulary
Term best described as an early attempt at self-government.

5 $200 Answer from Vocabulary
What is the Mayflower Compact?

6 $300 Question from Vocabulary
A religious movement

7 $300 Answer from Vocabulary
What is the Great Awakening?

8 $400 Question from Vocabulary
The term meaning an official change.

9 $400 Answer from Vocabulary
What is an amendment?

10 $500 Question from Vocabulary
The sharing of power between a central government and the states of a country.

11 $500 Answer from Vocabulary
What is Federalism?

12 $100 Question from Revolution
The first time Parliament tried to tax the colonists DIRECTLY!

13 $100 Answer from Revolution
What is the Stamp Act of 1765?

14 $200 Question from Revolution
This demonstrated how unhappy colonists were with British Law

15 $200 Answer from Revolution
What is the Boston Tea Party?

16 $300 Question from Revolution
This inspired many colonists to support independence from Britain.

17 $300 Answer from Revolution
What is Thomas Paine’s Common Sense?

18 $400 Question from Revolution
Author of the Declaration of Independence.

19 $400 Answer from Revolution
Who is Thomas Jefferson?

20 $500 Question from Revolution
The belief that King George III had violated Colonists’ rights by taxing them without consent.

21 $500 Answer from Gov/Econ What is Taxation without Representation?

22 $100 Question from War France lost land in North America and Britain gained Canada

23 $100 Answer from War! What is the result of the French and Indian War?

24 $200 Question from War! The first battle of the Revolutionary War

25 $200 Answer from War! What is the Battle of Lexington?

26 $300 Question from War A turning point for the patriots because they gained support of France and Spain.

27 $300 Answer from War! What is the Battle of Saratoga?

28 $400 Question from War A difficult time for the Continental Army because of lack of protection and supplies

29 $400 Answer from War! What is the winter at Valley Forge?

30 $500 Question from War! The last major battle of the Revolutionary War.

31 $500 Answer from War! What is the Battle of Yorktown?

32 $100 Question from Government
The plan for a bicameral legislature in which the number of delegates per state would be based on a states’ population.

33 $100 Answer from Government
What is the Virginia Plan?

34 $200 Question from Government
A resolution that created a bicameral legislature.

35 $200 Answer from Government
What is the Great Compromise?

36 $300 Question from Government
Determined how many representatives a state would have in Congress by counting three-fifths of the state’s slave population.

37 $300 Answer from Government
What is the Three- Fifths Compromise?

38 $400 Question from Government
The federal government can take reasonable actions in special cases as long as they are not specifically forbidden by the constitution.

39 $400 Answer from Government
What is Loose Construction?

40 $500 Question from Government
This led most Americans to call for a stronger central government.

41 $500 Answer from Government
What is Shays’ Rebellion?

42 Final Jeopardy The first national government.

43 Final Jeopardy Answer What were the Articles of Confederation?

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