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29 January 2009.

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1 29 January 2009

2 The SKF Group Year-end results 2008 Tom Johnstone, President and CEO
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3 Summary Record sales and profit full-year 2008.
Weakening markets by the end of the year. Acquired: Cirval S.A., GLO s.r.I., PEER Bearing company, QPM Aerospace’s metallic rod business. Announced two new energy efficient roller bearing types. Signed a new contract in China with the world’s largest trailer axle manufacturer, Guangdong Fuwa Engineering Manufacturing Co. Ltd Announced investments for the first SKF factory in Russia and for expanding the capacity for manufacturing of large size bearings in China, Sweden and Germany. Distributed SEK 4,554 m to shareholders. Six Sigma, annualized savings SEK 462 m (up >50% from 2007) Included in Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes for the ninth year in succession. 29 January 2009

4 Fourth quarter 2008 2008 2007 Net sales 16,307 15,070 Operating profit
SEKm 2008 2007 Net sales 16,307 15,070 Operating profit 1,450 1,831 Operating margin 8.9% 12.1% Profit before taxes 1,107 1,710 Net profit 819 1,105 Basic earnings per share, SEK 1.75 2.33 Cash flow after operating investments before financial items -150 617 Cash flow after operating investments before financial items, excluding acquisitions 18 1,123 29 January 2009

5 Full year 2008 2008 2007 Net sales 63,361 58,559 Operating profit
SEKm 2008 2007 Net sales 63,361 58,559 Operating profit 7,710 7,539 Operating margin 12.2% 12.9% Profit before taxes 6,868 7,138 Net profit 4,741 4,767 Basic earnings per share, SEK 10.14 10.09 Cash flow after operating investments before financial items 65 2,126 Cash flow after operating investments before financial items, excluding acquisitions 1,349 3,335 29 January 2009

6 Growth development by geography
Local currency 2008 vs 2007 Europe % Asia % NA % LA % 29 January 2009

7 Growth in local currency
Acquisitions/Divestments Long-term target level: 6-8% per annum Organic growth % Y-o-Y 13.2 7.5* 7.1 * Excluding effect from Ovako: % 29 January 2009

8 Sales in local currencies (excl. structural changes)
% change y-o-y 2006 2007 2008 29 January 2009

9 Components in net sales
2006 2007 2008 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 6.0 2.5 3.3 8.8 7.9 6.9 9.0 6.3 4.9 6.2 2.7 -13.0 -4.9 -0.5 1.1 4.6 4.0 3.7 1.0 1.3 0.5 2.4 2.9 2.0 2.3 1.8 3.2 3.8 6.4 8.5 15.7 13.7 14.2 14.7 10.5 9.7 11.5 9.6 -2.1 8.0 -5.8 -5.6 -2.3 -1.9 -2.0 -1.2 -4.1 -0.9 10.3 12.0 5.0 4.3 9.9 8.1 11.9 12.8 7.4 8.7 8.2 Percent y-o-y Volume Structure Price / Mix Sales in local currency Currency Net sales 29 January 2009

10 Operating margin Long-term target level: 12% % 12.9 12.6 12.2 11.3*
* excluding income from the jointly controlled company Oy Ovako Ab 29 January 2009

11 Operating margin 2006 2007 2008 Long-term target level: 12% %
29 January 2009

12 Operating margin per division
% Service Industrial Automotive 2006 2007 2008 Excluding one-off items (eg. restructuring, impairments, capital gains) 29 January 2009

13 Industrial Division SEKm 2008 2007 Net sales 22,748 19,693
Sales incl. intra-Group sales 33,260 29,157 Operating profit 3,929 3,434 Operating margin 11.8% Q4 2008 Net sales growth 23.1% 15.5% organic growth 6.8% 10.2% structure 2.3% 3.0% currency effects 14.0% 2.3% Acquisitions QPM Aerospace’s metallic rod business Major investments New factory in Ahmedabad, India New factory in Tver, Russia Increase the manufacturing capacity in Dalian, China Investments in large size bearings in Sweden and Germany In Q4 2007, SEK 30 m in restructuring activities and other one-time items. In Q4 2008, SEK 80 m in restructuring activities and other one-time items. 29 January 2009

14 Service Division SEKm 2008 2007 Net sales 21,529 19,339
Sales incl. intra-Group sales 23,670 21,136 Operating profit 3,444 2,860 Operating margin 14.6% 13.5% Q4 2008 Net sales growth 11.3% 11.3% organic growth 2.0% 10.9% structure 0% 0.3% currency effects 9.3% 0.1% New activities Established the first SKF Solution Factory in Shanghai. Launched the SKF Certified Rebuilder programme for electric motors in Europe and South Africa. Launched the Distributor Value Program to support SKF authorized distributors in documenting the value they bring to customers. Acquisitions Cirval S.A. 29 January 2009

15 Automotive Division SEKm 2008 2007 Net sales 18,727 19,449
Sales incl. intra-Group sales 23,215 23,703 Operating profit 627 1,135 Operating margin 2.7% 4.8% Q4 2008 Net sales growth % -3.7% organic growth % -3.8% structure 0.2% -0.5% currency effects 6.4% 0.6% Acquisitions GLO s.r.l SKF Automotive Bearings Company Ltd. Major investments Opened a new factory in China Established new technology centre in China and expanded centre in India. In Q4 2007, SEK 270 m in restructuring activities and other one-time items. In Q4 2008, SEK 250 m in restructuring activities and other one-time items. 29 January 2009

16 Activities to adapt to lower demand
Announced in Q4 2008: Short-time working: 2,400 employees Reduction: 2,500 employees (whereof: 1,300 temporary and ,200 registered) Restructuring and impairment costs of SEK 470 m, whereof SEK 340 m in Q Full-year benefit SEK 250 m in 2010 Implemented in 2008: Reduction of temporary workers: during Q during Q4 Reduction of registered employees: 500 during Q4 . 29 January 2009

17 Currency effects on the balance sheet
The currency effects on working capital and fixed assets were around 10% for the fourth quarter and 12% for the year. This has had an impact on ratios. 29 January 2009

18 Inventories as % of annual sales
Long-term target level: 18% % x excl. currency effects 2006 2007 2008 29 January 2009

19 Return on capital employed
Long-term target level: 24% % ROCE: Operating profit plus interest income, as a percentage of twelve months average of total assets less the average of non-interest bearing liabilities. 29 January 2009

20 Net debt (Short-term financial assets minus loans and post-employment benefits)
SEKm AB SKF, dividend paid (SEKm): 2006 Q2 1,821 2007 Q2 2,049 2008 Q2 2,277 Redemption (SEKm): 2007 Q2 4,554 2006 2007 2008 29 January 2009

21 Cash flow, after operating investments before financial items
SEKm Cash out from acquisitions (SEKm): ,129 2007 1,209 ,284 Cash in from Ovako (SEKm): 2006 Q4 1,217 2007 Q2 46 2006 2007 2008 29 January 2009

22 SKF capital structure The AB SKF Board proposes the AGM to decide on:
a dividend of SEK 3.50 per share a mandate to the Board to repurchase a maximum of 5% of the company's own shares 29 January 2009

23 2009 – external environment
Global, deep and very fast downturn in demand Financial markets are not stable yet Government incentives still to take effect Consumer and business confidence low Good demand continues in some areas Uncertain business environment - difficult to forecast 29 January 2009

24 Vehicle production outlook
Light vehicles Q408 Estimated Q109 Forecast Western Europe -28% -27% North America -24% -42% Source: Global Insight 28 January 2009 Heavy vehicles Q408 Estimated Q109 Forecast Western Europe: -14% -33% North America of which Class 8 8% -2% -28% Source: JD Power, December 2008 29 January 2009

25 January 2009: Outlook for the first quarter 2009
The demand for SKF products and services is expected to be significantly lower for the Group in total and for all regions. It is also expected to be significantly lower for the Automotive and Service Divisions and lower for the Industrial Division. The manufacturing level will be significantly lower to reflect both the new demand situation and to reduce inventory. 29 January 2009

26 Volume trends (based on current assumptions)
Net sales 2008 Europe 56% North America 17% Asia Pacific 19% Latin America 5% Total Daily volume trends for: Q Q1 2009 Outlook Q1 2009 vs 2008 --- -- 29 January 2009

27 Expected demand by main segment – Q1 2009 (based on current assumptions)
Net sales 2008 13% Cars 5% Trucks 20% Industrial OEM, General+Special 3% Electrical and two-wheeler 9% VSM 23% Industrial distribution 12% Industrial OEM, Heavy+Off-highway Aerospace Railway 6% Energy 29 January 2009

28 Guidance for the first quarter 2009
Tax level: 31-32% Financial net for first quarter: SEK -200 million Exchange rates on operating profit versus Q1: SEK 200 million Full year: SEK 1 billion Additions to PPE: Around SEK 2 billion for 2009 Guidance is approximate and based on current assumptions and exchange rates 29 January 2009

29 Key focus areas ahead - 2009 Profit and cash flow
- maintain positive price/mix - drive operational efficiency and cost reduction - reduce working capital and investments Adjustment of manufacturing output to new demand levels - restructuring - short-time working Growing segments and geographies Strengthening the platform/segment approach Competence development SKF Care and Six Sigma as guiding lights 29 January 2009

30 SKF Care Business Care Employee Care SKF Care Environmental Care
Operating margin SKF Care BeyondZeroTM Environmental Care Community Care 29 January 2009

31 SKF Group Vision To equip the world with SKF knowledge 29 January 2009

32 29 January 2009

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