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Global Studies 10 Riddlebarger

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Presentation on theme: "Global Studies 10 Riddlebarger"— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Studies 10 Riddlebarger
The Fall Of Communism Global Studies 10 Riddlebarger

2 Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan Jimmy Carter Republican, Conservative
opposition to Communism

3 The “Evil Empire” Pres. Reagan & Communism
Effect on U.S.-Soviet relationship.

4 Reagan and the Cold War support Reagan’s view Critics
British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher Pope John Paul II Critics

5 Military Spending Soars
Reagan urges “peace with strength” defense spending. “Star Wars” program Soviet Reaction


7 A Weakened Soviet union
Leonid Brezhnev ( ) late 1970’s Corruption

8 U.S. Soviet relations improve
Mikhail Gorbachev save the Soviet economy

9 Reagan-Gorbachev Reagan wins re-election in 1984
Now he attempts to negotiate with the Soviets Meets with Gorbachev 4 times from Sign treaty to destroy intermediate-range nuclear weapons

10 Nicaraguan Upheaval Nicaragua. Contras Congress finds out


12 Iran-contra affair Reagan administration continues to seek ways to support Contras American civilians in Lebanon two situations became linked

13 Iran-Contra Violates U.S. embargo on Iran & Reagan’s own principle
Money from the arms sales to… violation of

14 Congressional Investigation
Watergate-style investigation Reagan says Other high-ranking officials Known today

15 Soviet Empire collapses
Nationalism arises reforms. paths to freedom.

16 Eastern Europe Crumbles
Revolutions &Eastern Europe In Poland: Solidarity Movement In Czechoslovakia: “velvet revolution” In Romania

17 the Berlin wall The Berlin Wall symbol of Soviet Communism.

18 The Fall of the Berlin Wall
Nov. 1989:To quiet rising protests, East German government opens gates of Berlin Wall Thousands pour through gates to freedom Jubilant Berliners from both sides climb the wall, dance & pull down barbed wire. With axes, sledgehammers & bare hands, they spontaneously begin ripping down the wall. People around the world watch on TV in awe Germany re-united less than a year later.

19 Berlin Wall Falls

20 The End of the Soviet Union
empire crumbling 1991: seize Gorbachev

21 Yeltsin Boris Yeltsin Yeltsin leads a popular revolt against the coup.

22 End of the Coup Red Square Gorbachev restored to power.

23 The End Late 1991: Gorbachev resigns The Soviet Union was dissolved.
Commonwealth of Independent States Gorbachev resigns The Soviet Union was dissolved.

24 Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin takes charge
Yeltsin meets with President George H.W. Bush treaty

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