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Town of Yarmouth Capital Improvement Plan July 1, June 30, 2023

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1 Town of Yarmouth Capital Improvement Plan July 1, 2018- June 30, 2023
Yarmouth Planning Board Wednesday, December 13, 2017 DRAFT

2 Attempt to provide longer and wider focus….
Major infrastructure capital maintenance and upkeep Plus Some Non-Capital Asset/Non-lapsing reserves Capital Asset Improvements, Acquisitions, Upgrades or Expansions Existing and Planned Debt Schedules- Town and School Annual operating budgets and tax management Long term community and financial planning (5+years) Town focused but with an eye on: School- Water District- MDOT- Regional Entities- Cemetery Association- Community Groups- Private Development- USACOE- Utilities- other

3 Major infrastructure capital maintenance and upkeep
. . Vehicles- buildings- grounds- athletic facilities- parks- piers, docks, floats, ramps- parking areas- bridges- dams- trails- roadways- sidewalks, drains- sewer system (collection, pumping, treatment), transfer station and recycling Technology/computing infrastructure

4 Capital Asset Improvements, Acquisitions, Upgrades or Expansions
Lands and buildings (including Public Safety bldg.) parks and open spaces, athletic fields harbor/river, community meeting and shelter, sidewalks and bike ways, historic preservation, roadway network and design, (incl. Hillside, MDOT project matches) Housing SCHOOL FACILITIES

5 Identified but not wrestled to the ground…
School Facilities Plan Yarmouth Community Center- Senior Center, food pantry, medical loan closet, meeting spaces, YCS Yarmouth Community Services Offices Yarmouth Fire-Rescue building needs Bridges and bridge repair/upgrades- pedestrian, trail, MDOT highway Affordable housing- ownership, rental, senior, special needs Off-Leash Dog Park Recycling and transfer/collection system overhaul LED Street Lighting conversion

6 Process: Preliminary assembly and drafting-
Confer with the Town Council (Oct 5, 2017 presentation) Present to the Planning Board- for comment, revision, prioritization and public engagement as they deem prudent (Dec 13, 2017) Recommendation and comments forwarded back to the Town Council Town Council incorporates (as it deems prudent) the recommendations of the CIP into the annual budget development- with or without revisions (Feb-April 2018) Budget and CIP “adopted”- Budget sent to Town Meeting (June 2018) CIP serves as guidance for capital workplan and capital funding release requests, (FY 19) Annual update, renewal and extension…. (July –Oct 2018)

7 ^ Does not include non-property tax supported capital efforts such as Sewer system, Fire-Rescue Equipment, technology investments, MDOT funding, Chebeague dock, etc.


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