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The Italian legislation relating to the employment of Information and Communication Technologies in Public Administration.

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Presentation on theme: "The Italian legislation relating to the employment of Information and Communication Technologies in Public Administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Italian legislation relating to the employment of Information and Communication Technologies in Public Administration

2 Technologic innovation and P.A.
Technologic innovation and legislative evolution. Constitutional principles: In the Italian Constitution; The principles underlying the smooth running and impartiality of P.A.;

3 Art. 117, paragraph 2, letter R) of the Constitution
The State has legislative competence relating to the computer-aided coordination of data coming from national, regional or local administrations The Regions and the local self-governing Authorities have the power to organize themselves in respect of the general principles of the State Other normative tools: Laws, Regulations, Ministerial Decrees

4 Legislative evolution
Legislative Decree No. 39 of 1993: It introduced the first rules regarding the “automated information systems of the P.A.” It instituted AIPA (Authority for Information technology in Public Administration; later becoming CNIPA) Law No. 59 of 1997 It expressly claimed the legal validity of electronic documents, their storage and their telematic transmission DPR (regulations) No. 513 of 1997: It settled the general rules for electronic documents and for digital signatures

5 … Follows: DPR 445/2000 Unified code on administrative documentation
Joint unified code (containing both legislative and regulation rules): it collected the pre-existing rules It contains a discipline which also applies to private subjects On electronic documents On the transmission of electronic documents On digital copies and reproductions On digital signatures

6 The technical rules Special flexibility needs
The necessity of appropriate normative tools The subjects CNIPA (National Centre for Information technology in Public Administration) Minister for Innovation and Technologies (ex. Law on technology and disability) The Public Connectivity System It connects the networks of national, regional and local Administrations on the basis of shared technical standards

7 The new Digital Administration Code
THE NEW DIGTAL ADMINISTRATION CODE : it shall come into force on January 1st, 2006 It sets rules regarding to: Digitalization of the P.A. Legal validity of electronic documents and digital signatures The rights of citizens and enterprises on Public Administration P.A. services provided by telematic means (thus giving citizens the right to obtain them in this form)

8 The basic contents of the Code
Chapter I of the Code features: In section I, the definitions In section II, the rights of citizens and enterprises In section III, the organization of P.A.s and the relationships among the State, the Regions and local self-governing Authorities In Chapter II: In section I, the rules applying to electronic documents In section II, digital signatures and certificators In section III, contracts, payments and accounting deeds

9 The basic contents of the Code
In Chapter III: Creation, management and storage of electronic documents In Chapter IV: The digital transmission of such documents In Chapter V: In section I, the data produced by the P.A. In section II, data usability In section III, network services In section IV, digital cards

10 The basic contents of the Code
In Chapter VI: Development, acquisition and reuse of computer systems in P.A.s In Chapter VII: The technical rules In Chapter VIII: Transitory, final and abrogating provisions

11 The use of ICT in P.A. Provisions regarding all Administrations
In respect of the organizational autonomy of Regions and local self-governing Authorities Several rules also apply to private subjects Indeed a revolution for P.A. The innovation involves both Front-office And Back-office

12 Relationship between P.A. and citizens
The Code acknowledges the citizens the right To use telematic technologies to communicate with P.A.s At the moment it is only binding on Central Administrations Dynamic role of the P.A. In the Code, the P.A. is considered mainly a service provider No useless bureaucratic constrictions Positive impulse for the system

13 The citizens’ rights In particular:
Use of telematic technologies to communicate with the P.A. Telematic payments (to all P.A.s starting June 30, 2007) Involvement in the administrative process and right to access to documents remotely (see also Law 241/1990) Promotion of forms of e-democracy Initiatives to promote computer literacy

14 The enterprises’ rights
Computerization of unified service-desks for enterprises Not yet computerized to this day Creation of a “Digital registry of enterprise fulfillments” Held by the Ministry for Productive Activities Viewable on-line

15 Development, acquisition and reuse of computer systems in P.A.s
The sharing of ideas A form of synergy between market economy and P.A. The enterprises propose the project They can later tender for the public contract regarding its achievement Acquisition and maintenance of computer systems Both commercial operating systems And “open source”

16 The National Centre for Information technology in Public Administration
The functions of CNIPA: Gives advice on major contracts regarding e-services Sets the technical rules for the use of new technologies Schedules digitalization processes Delivers technical assistance to P.A.s Acts as a contractor (thanks to its contacts with ICT enterprises) In charge of the computer systems of Central Admin.s

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