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JXIHS Humanities Department

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1 JXIHS Humanities Department
Citations JXIHS Humanities Department

2 Caution The content of this presentation may sound vey abstract, dry, and full of details But It’s very important for you.

3 Documentation quotation acknowledgment Citations Bibliography credit
mention These are all terms that mean giving credit to the sources you use in your research. It is an essential aspect of approriate research paper.

4 Why is this important? Referencing allows distinguishing and giving credits to the sources you used and contributed to your learning. You show the reader your ability to distinguish the others ideas form your own. Citations are like shortcuts to the reader and can be used to refer to the same sources if they need more information about your topic. It also shows your teacher that you did your search and learned how to implement it for your paper. It reflects your honesty and integrity as you acknowledge the ideas you borrow. Borrowing from sources without appropriate acknowledgement would make you guilty of Plagiarism. Even if you do it unintentionally, you would have to bare the consequences. Students are expected to understand appropriate citation format as it will be a requirement for their assignments and papers at school up to college and university. 1.1 read. 2. read. 3. 4. read. You don’t borrow and then put your name under what you borrowed

5 WHEN do we have to cite? My mother always
said, “Make your bed” (Mom 12).

6 When do we have to cite? Every time you summarize, paraphrase and /or use direct quotations. A statistic, ideas, someone else’s opinion Concrete facts not considered “common knowledge” Information not commonly known Information taken from the computer (CD ROMS, internet, etc.) Illustrations, photographs, or charts – if not yours When you are in doubt, cite… What is difference between the three: summary, paraphrasing and direct qoutes? Direct quotes: If the author’s words are powerful or you need to be specific for your argument, the authors’ words can be used as a direct quote. Paraphrasing or summarizing: Using someone else’s ideas but putting them into your own words by paraphrasing or summarizing still requires a citation Information which may be common knowledge but still unfamiliar to your reader. This would also include statistical information which may be familiar information but still requires confirmation. Not only books or articles require references. Any source that you use for information can and should be cited including interviews, websites, TV programs, etc. Whenever you are not sure if something should be cited, err on the side of caution and cite sources.

7 Most Citations Will Include:
Author Title Publication information Format descriptor (Web, Print, image) Last Name, First + Period Gore, Albert. An Inconvenient Truth: The Crisis of Global Warming. New York: Viking, Print. Notice punctuation Period City : Publisher, Year of Publication . Format descriptor

8 How to Cite Your Sources
Citing according to MLA style happens on two levels: 1. Brief In-text citations (in parentheses) within the body of your essay or paper 2. List of full citations in the Works Cited page at the end of your paper (Last page). Note: References cited in the text must appear in the Works Cited. Conversely, each entry in the Works Cited must be cited in the text. Note:

9 Colors = In-text citations Works cited Read. Think of in- text citations and works cited page the same way you think of a map and map key. You can’t have a page full of citations without showing how these citations relate to your paper and where you implement them in your research. A map key explains the purpose of a map or the information on it. You can’t have a map key without a map.

10 EXAMPLE In-text citation: Works cited:
Romantic Poetry is characterized by the “spontaneous overflows of the powerful feelings” (Wordsworth 263). Works cited: Wordsworth, Williams. Lyrical Ballads, London: Oxford U.p Note that the word in the paranthesis is the same as the first word in the resource entry at the works cited page. Abbreviation for University Press.

11 In-Text citations Definition: a system in which you give your source in parentheses ( ) immediately after you give the information. Punctuation comes at the end of the sentence AFTER the citation. Five Common Citations: Author and page number Ex: The average world temperature is rising at an alarming rate of 200 degrees Celsius per year (Polar 188) . If there are two or three authors, put all of their names in the order they appear on the source (Smith, Johnson, and Brown 156 Author name only Put the author name in the parenthesis at the end of the statement. (Smith) Let’s do #2 and 3 on the given worksheet. Title and page number ex: A single car trip from Los Angeles to San Francisco produces more pollution than a tree does in its entire lifetime (“Save My Greenhouse” 47) . Page number only Ex: According to Pepin, virtually anyone could find himself the object of satirical writing in the twelfth century (18) . Usually, an in-text citation will include the author’s last name and the page number you found the information on (Smith 34) If you have already mentioned the author’s name after a signal phrase, put a page number only: If there are two or three authors, put all of their names in the order they appear on the source (Smith, Johnson, and Brown 156) If there are no authors, refer to the title/name of the source. Abbreviate it, but ensure it is long enough for the reader to be able to find it in your bibliography (“Alternative Transportation” 67)

12 Title only Ex: According to Pepin, virtually anyone could find himself the object of satirical writing in the twelfth century (“Literary Criticism”) . Let’s do # 1 and 4 on the worksheet

13 In-Text Citations (Web Sources)
In-text citations for websites can vary, depending on the details of the website. If a website (or an article on a website) has an author and/or page numbers, write the citation just as you would for a book (Smith 34). If the website or article has no author or page numbers, simply write the title of the article (“Desert Landscape”) If there is no author or title, write the name of the website.

14 Sample Works Cited Page
Title “Works Cited” is centered at the top of the page *Sources are listed alphabetically Be sure that each citation has a format descriptor (properly placed within the citation); e.g., Web, Print, Film Indent all lines after the first ½ inch for each work listed(5 spaces) The entire Works Cited page is double-spaced All citations end in a period (.)

15 Online Citation Generators
There are numerous websites that exist to help you create your Works Cited page. – a great, easy-to-use free resource that will help you create properly formatted MLA citations There are others as well: More information about in-text citations is available on Purdue OWL IS A GREAT REFERENCE ON CITATIONS IN DIFFERENT STYLES . This will be very useful for you if join colleges, universities as they may require different citation style.

16 Questions?

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