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Grabbing your audience’s attention

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Presentation on theme: "Grabbing your audience’s attention"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grabbing your audience’s attention
Introductions Grabbing your audience’s attention

2 Attention Getters An unexpected twist (humor/story)
A connected quotation Rhetorical, impactful question (not “Have you ever wondered….?” Startling statement

3 Attention Getters

4 Or you can try something completely out-of-the-box…

5 Watch again… Listen for a preview statement
What will his speech be covering?

6 The “thesis” of a speech
Preview Statements The “thesis” of a speech

7 Preview Statements… Tell your audience exactly what your speech is going to be about Occur after your attention-grabbing introduction Guide the audience through the main points of your speech

8 Which is the best preview statement for a unique object speech?
“Today I’m going to tell you about my lucky penny.” “Today I’m going to tell you about my very important, super awesome, lucky penny.” “Today I’m going to tell you about my lucky penny: where I found it, how it has been lucky and why it is special to me.”

9 Which is the best preview statement for a unique object speech?
“Today I’m going to tell you about my lucky penny.” “Today I’m going to tell you about my very important, super awesome, lucky penny.” “Today I’m going to tell you about my lucky penny: where I found it, how it has been lucky and why it is special to me.”

10 Examples:

11 For the paper bag speech
Order your preview statement topically: Today you will learn exactly what this bag contains and why these objects are so important to me. Order your preview statement chronologically: I am going to tell you how the following objects represent my past, present and future.

12 Transitioning smoothly within your speech
Signposts Transitioning smoothly within your speech

13 Signposts… Indicate to your audience that you are moving from one idea to the next The most basic signposts include: First, next, then, finally…

14 Main Point Transitions:
-A point to be made… -One important thing… -Let me repeat… -I want to stress… Transitioning from One Topic to Another: -Next… -Let’s move on to… -Now that I’ve talked about/shared _______, I’d now like to tell you about… Emphasizing Important Details: -For Instance -For Example To Signal Your Conclusion: -The last point I’d like to make is… -Finally -In summary -In conclusion

15 Signaling that you are finished
The review statement Signaling that you are finished

16 The review statement… Summarizes the main topics/arguments of your speech Signals to the audience that your speech is about to conclude THE REVIEW STATEMENT IS NOT THE CONCLUSION.

17 The review statement example:
I have told you that my lucky penny is important to me because it was discovered on a hike with my father. I also explained how I won my spelling bee medal in the third grade. Finally, I showed you my U of M hat, representing my choice of college in the future.

18 The conclusion Wrapping it all up!

19 Conclusions Methods/Suggestions
Summarize the main thesis or idea of your speech EX: Explain why the object is special to you. Use a Relevant Quotation Share an Incident or example Finish a story or description that you began in your introduction

20 Don’t… Say, “That’s it, That’s all, or The End”
If the audience can’t tell you’re concluding your speech, you haven’t done your job as a speaker. Breathe a huge sigh of relief Say “Thank you” Rush away from the front of the room.

21 Now let’s practice your organization skills
You and your group will receive a speech out of order Place the speech in the correct order, based on what was just discussed When you think you have the order, raise your hand and I will check First group to order the speech correctly will get to choose when they want to deliver their unique object speech

22 Organization Attention-Getter/Introduction Preview Statement
Reasons why the object is meaningful -Transition #1 -Transition #2 -Transition #3 IV. Review Statement V. Conclusion

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