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2 Not for profit ASSOCIATION born in 2010
For the promotion of the territory of UMBRIA Working in a local NETWORK OF SERVICES: Municipalities (8 municipalities of MVT) Social Services Schools and Vocational Training Centres Employment centre Third sector organizations (social cooperatives, Associations, etc..) 2

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4 PROJECTS IN COOPERATION WITH SCHOOLS for Environmental Preservation

5 Travelogue participates in projects financed by Umbria Region, with Scools and Local Authorities to improve the students’ knowledge of the territory, preservation of Nature and promote intercultural exchange and creative activities.

6 2013: “PerCorrere Insieme” to promote art, culture and nature of Umbria in adult population.
Youth in Action “Made in Europe”, about traditional handicraft, local partner of Municiaplity of Marsciano.

7 2014: Youth in Action – “Eco Start Up”: partner inTC in Murcia, Spagna
2015‐16: Erasmus + KA1 “Agro‐tourism and youth entrepreneurship” hosting a group of students from Professional Lyceum (EPAL) of Velestino (Greece)

8 2014‐2016: Erasmus+ KA2 “Wellbeing and Inclusion for New Educational Resources” ‐ on school inclusion - Associated partner of Municipality of Marsciano and Vaslui School Inspectorate 2016‐17: Erasmus+ KA1 "Entrepreneurship: tool for social development" (ETSD) TC and mobility of learners on social entreprise

9 2016‐17: “Progettare il Futuro”
(Planning our future) Self-promotion workshop for youth in search of job : “Prepararsi al lavoro” (Get ready for our job): advisor/ Support services for: CV writing opportunities in the territory opportunities in Europe personal skills development with a psychologist how to start up a business

10 They have similar geographic and social characteristics:
We are in the Municipality of Marsciano, coordinator of a group of 8 Municipalities located in the Middle Valley of River Tiber. They have similar geographic and social characteristics: Marsciano Todi Massa Martana Deruta Collazone Fratta Todina Montecastello di Vibio San Venanzo 10

11 Unemployed in Umbria under 10%
Numbers in Umbria Total population:   About 10% of Migrant Umbria is third / second region in Italy for foreign presence in relation to population Old population: 25% are over 65 in Italy 22% Unemployed in Umbria under 10% But are NEET 11

12 Territorial Characteristics
Before economic crisis our economy was rich in SMEs, active in different sectors: Agriculture Handicraft Construction Service Now: still lots of problems for small enterprises and commerce, better for bigger industry exporting products. 12

13 Tourism in Umbria Important sector of the Italian economy
(10% of income) A particular situation in Umbria this year : January-August 2017:             arrival             presence Compared to % in arrival, % in presence. At regional level sharper drop in italian presence % arrival and % presence compared to foreigner tourists: % arrival and % presence. This dramatic decrease in tourists’ presence is due to the earthquake of 2016 which hit tourist sites like Norcia, Cascia, Sibillin mountains. 13

14 ECOTOURIM in Umbria Promising sector of the regional economy
SALONE DEL TURISMO RURALE Eco Natura: “RURAL TOURISM Exhibition”, October 2017, sponsored by UNESCO, Enit, Umbria Region and the main industry associations Rich in Naturalistic and cultural offer Presence of rural hospitality structures: Agriturisms, hotels, country houses, B&B… Portale del Turismo Regione Umbria Development of ecologically sustainable tourism 14

15 ECOTOURIM in Umbria Development of ecologically sustainable tourism
Several Project are being developed in ecotourism and many sites are developing the awareness of their value: Monte Peglia, in Municipality of San Venanzo, obtained the official candidacy of the Italian Republic for the year 2017 at "MaB Unesco World Biodiversity Reserve" where MaB stands for 'Men and Biosphere Heritage Sites " 15

16 Thank you for your attention!!!

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