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Welcome to… Back to School Night! 2018-2019.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to… Back to School Night! 2018-2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to… Back to School Night!

2 Teacher Background Over 12 years teaching 3rd Grade
Background in Remedial Reading & Language Arts Background in Educational Technology.

3 Ms. CastelaTorres’ 3rd Grade News
Going Green! The handouts have gone digital! Curriculum Parent & Student Resources Website Ms. CastelaTorres’ 3rd Grade News

4 Snacks & Special Celebrations
PLEASE provide your child with a HEALTHY snack each day. Candy is not aloud! Please let me know at least several days in advance if you are planning on sending in a special treat for your child’s birthday. Again, please make these HEALTHY! Please see handouts online!

5 Birthday Celebration Choices
Healthy Snack OR Student Choice of Activity Extra recess for the entire class No Homework for the entire class Free time in the class for the entire class Read aloud to the class or principal. Use the teacher’s chair for the day. Eat lunch with the teacher and a friend.

6 Homework 45 minutes each night 20 minutes of reading each night
Homework Online This Year - Xtramath, Tenmarks, Freckle, Custom Typing Why Online? – Preparation for SBAC testing Week-long Assignments - publishing DIFFERENTIATION! “Should I help my child?” Parent Responsibility Check that it’s done & Sign Homework Log! Consistency & Homework Environment NOT ON BUS OR IN CAR!


8 Homework Independence & Responsibility
All late homework assignments will receive a √- regardless of effort or inaccuracies. Even if a child completes the assignment on time but simply “forgot to hand it in” it will receive a √-. If there is a family emergency, or if a child is sick, however, please send in a note and special arrangements will always be made. Children who are absent always get extra time to get caught up of course! 

9 Unfinished Work If your child begins accumulating unfinished work, this work, if it is not being used as an assessment, will be sent home on Fridays for completion.

10 Sweatshirts! I encourage you to send your child with a sweatshirt each day, as it is 69 degrees in the classroom, and they’re cold!

11 Developing Growth Mindset
Praise the Process! Instead of saying… “You’re so smart. You got so many answers right!” Praise the effort, goal setting, persevering through challenges, or creativity. Say: “Wow! You worked really hard on that!” “Be proud of all your effort!” “Look at how you challenged yourself!”

12 Developing Growth Mindset
Instead of… I’m not good at this. I give up. It’s good enough. I can’t make this any better. This is too hard. I made a mistake. I just can’t do this. I’ll never be that smart. Plan A didn’t work. My friend can do it. Try Thinking… What am I missing? I’ll use a different strategy. Is this really my best? I can always improve. I’m not there yet! This may take some time. Mistakes help me learn. I’m going to train my brain. I will learn how to do this! There’s always plan B. I’ll learn from my friends.

13 Curriculum: Handwriting

14 Communication… The Key to a Successful Year
Don’t wait until a conference! I won’t! me (checked after school) Call me Send in a note Schedule an appointment Updates Staff Website

15 Miscellaneous Take Home Folders Corrected Work (goes home Fridays)
Portfolios Parent Volunteer Form (online) November Conferences (online) Mystery Reader (online) Write Your Child a Note!  Tour the Classroom Any Questions? (no specifics on your child tonight…)

16 Thank You for Coming! Goodnight!

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