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SAT List #22 Space out: 5 on front, 5 on back.

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Presentation on theme: "SAT List #22 Space out: 5 on front, 5 on back."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAT List #22 Space out: 5 on front, 5 on back.
rescind resonant restive reverent rudiment ruminate savant scoff soporific spurn

2 Guess: P.O.S. & definition
Context Clues: Guess: P.O.S. & definition The company rescinded Melanie’s job offer when they found out she lied on her resume. (v) cancel; veto; repeal The resonant thundering of drums could be heard for miles. (adj) reverberant; ringing The restive horse stepped from side to side, ready for the race to begin. (adj) nervous; restless; uneasy; impatient

3 Always ruminate with care.
William gave a deep, reverent bow when meeting the Pope. (adj) devout; solemn; worshipful; showing deep respect 5. The rudiment of good writing is having strong grammar and spelling skills. (n) beginning; foundation or source 6. Don had to carefully ruminate his answer to avoid getting in trouble with the teacher. (v) contemplate; think about

4 Are you a savant? A respected savant usually has years of education and learned wisdom. (n) intellectual; scholar; philosopher The rich lady scoff (ed) at the other lady’s fake designer Coach bag. (v) mock; ridicule Eating a huge meal at lunch usually has a soporific effect on students during 5th period. (adj) hypnotic; lethargic; causing sleep

5 Last one! 10. After he spurned my love for him, I decided not to date until I was 40 years old. (v) defy; reject; to turn a cold shoulder; decline

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