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Elements and Principles

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Presentation on theme: "Elements and Principles"— Presentation transcript:

1 Elements and Principles
Intro Partner Project

2 Find the Elements: Marc Chagall I, and the Village

3 Salvador Dali Persistence of Memory

4 Roy Lichtenstein Hopeless

5 Find the Principles Frank Gehry Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao

6 Jackson Pollock Autumn Rhythm

7 Gustave Caillebotte Paris Street, Rainy Day

8 Use DAIE to evaluate these works This first work will be done together as a class
Diego Velasquez Las Meninas Oil on Canvas 10’5”x 9’1”

9 El Greco Assumption of the Virgin Oil on Canvas 188”x141”

10 Frida Kahlo Dos Fridas Oil on Canvas 67”x67”

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