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Industrial Revolution

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1 Industrial Revolution
Chapter 9 Sections 1 and 2

2 Factory Work

3 Factory Work

4 Factory Work

5 Factory Work

6 Factories

7 Industrial Revolution
begins in Great Britain in the 1700’s, transition from making goods by hand to making them by machine.

8 Capitalism economic system based on private ownership where money is invested with goal of making a profit. This system drives Industrialism

9 Beginnings of Industrial Revolution
small farmers loss their land- move to cities to become factory workers improvements in farming methods – leads to fewer richer farmers with more land Britain possessed ideal conditions for growth of industry

10 Agricultural Revolution
1600s: Begins in Great Britain Crop Rotation  growing different crops each year to keep land fertile: leads to huge population growth: fewer richer farmers with more land and more available workers

11 4 Advantages of Great Britain
Natural Resources (water, coal, lumber, iron ore) Rivers for inland transportation of goods and resources Harbors for merchant ships to sell goods in other countries Large Population of workers

12 3 Factors of Production Labor Land Wealth
These 3 must present for Industrialism to occur Land Labor Wealth

13 Textile Industry First to be industrialized to make clothes Wool
Cotton Linen

14 Industrial Improvements
Spinning Jenny (weaves fabric into thread) Cotton Gin 1793 (easily removes seeds from cotton plants) Steam Engine (used on ships & trains) Roads Improved (better transportation of goods)

15 Class Tensions wealthy merchants/factory owners lived in comfort
factory owners, merchants began to grow wealthier than landowners lowupper mid-class  gov’t employees, doctors, lawyers, managers of factories er mid-class  toolmakers, printers, mechanical drafters working class  poor workers saw little improvement in their living/working conditions, ● machines began to replace their jobs

16 Negative Aspects factory owners wanted machines running for as many hrs average worker spent 14 hrs on job, 6 days a week workers had to keep up with machines factories poorly lit or clean machines injured workers no government program to provide aid most dangerous were coal mines (frequent accidents)

17 Positive Aspects created jobs for workers
contributed to wealth of nation fostered technological progress/inventions increased production of goods raised standard of living healthier diets, better housing expanded educational opportunities

18 Scantron Grade Distribution
1st Period A 2, B 6, C 7, D,4, F 10 3rd Period A 4, B 5, C 7, D 2, F 8 4th Period A 3, B 9, C 8, D 4, F 7 5th Period 6th Period A 2, B 5, C 5, D 4, F 17

19 Good Morning/Afternoon
Warm-up What’s Up Wednesday



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